Chinese Food

Country Style Stir Fry Rice


  • 2 teaspoon dried turnip
  • 1 teaspoon chopped garlic
  • 2 green onion
  • 2 eggs
  • 2 teaspoon salted fish (diced)
  • 2 cup cooked rice
  • salt to taste

  1. Rinse the turnip, chop it, then dice the green onion. Stir fry the beattened egg into small pieces. Fry the salted fish until crispy.. ( If you don't have any salted fish, use ham as substitute.)
  2. Stir fry the garlic until fragrant, after that, add the chopped turnip and green onions. Stir for a while, add the egg and rice, mix evenly with a dash of salt. Turn off the heat, then add the salted fish.

NOTE :To make dish look colorful, use 2 egg yolks and 1 egg white. Also, dice the salted fish evenly, or else it'll be too salty.

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