The U.S. Coast Guard


The U.S. Coast Guard is the premier maritime law enforcement agency and the only federal agency to patrol the waterways. We work alongside many local, state, and federal agencies to ensure the U.S. waters are safe. Drug enforcement and search and rescue are our main missions. The Coast Guard ensures that all federal laws and regulations are adhered to by the boating public. Interested in joining, contact a Coast Guard recruiter at 1-800-get-uscg. They will be able to help with enlisting into the guard. Here are a few good ideas and some regulations to follow if your going to go boating:


1. Have lifejackets for everyone on board and in a easily excessible area.

2. Make sure you have the proper lights on when it is past sunset.

3. Keep a fire extinguisher on board in a easily excessible area.

4. If you create a big wake...look out for the little guys.

5. No wake zone...slow it down

6. It's a good idea to keep a chart of the area handy. In case you get lost.

7. Do not drink and drive!!!!!

8. And most important, when a Coast Guard team comes on your's for your own safety.



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