Empire Slapper

This page was last updated on Wednesday, 04 July 2001.

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Empire Slapper army (2000 points)           - Generic army                  (3/0/0)

Theory - Generic 6th ed army, mostly infantry with two big blocks of spears, and some shooting.  There is just enough fast stuff to take out warmachines, or counter-attack along one flank.  But this doesn't really excel at anything.

Practice - I have got lucky and gone first both times vs Adam's nasty Empire army, and also given a dwarf army a beating with this too.  Generally the infantry has held offset to the centre, while the cav races about distracting and hopefully killing off anything annoying, like the enemies fast cav or warmachines.   Then it's finished by some glorious charges, which have thankfully panned out.   Adam's Inner Core Knights have ridden over anything they have touched however, with the one exception where my spears held and managed to last 6 or 7 rounds of combat slowly knocking off one knight a turn.  Against the dwarves, well I outmanoeuvred him, killed off his warmachines, and could then basically pick my charges to give massive odds when I committed.

Luck factor: Some shocking 2nd Sign of Amul rolls, does 2 dice ever get this spell off?

Analysis: Surprisingly good results - maybe i'm getting more cunning with my elves, or maybe things just panned out at the right times.   anyway great games, and Adam seems to teach me some devious new tactic each time I see him play.

Generic Army:

Elf Prince General - sword, long bow, Sword of Might, Armour of Protection, Enchanted Shield on a barded Elf steed (229)
Mage level 2 - Sword, Staff of Sorcery (170)
Mage - Sword, Dispel Scroll (110)
Spearelves x24 - Captain, Standard, Musician, Sword, Spear, Shield, Heavy Armour (294)
Spearelves x24 - Captain, Standard, Musician, Sword, Spear, Shield, Heavy Armour (294)
Elven Archers x10 - Sword, Longbow (120)
Elven Archers x10 - Sword, Longbow (120)
Silver Helms x7 - Captain, Standard, Musician, fully armoured with lances (220)
Ellyrion Reavers x6 - Musician, Lt armour, sword, steed, bow (153)
Tiranoc Chariot - 2 crew and 2 horses (75)
Repeater Bolt Throwers x2 - 2 crew per RBT, Sword, lt armour (100 x2)

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