Army lists

This page was last updated on Monday, 05 August 2002.

6th Edition ] Analysis ] [ Army lists ] High Elves ] 40K ]


I own and play a High Elf army  wholearmy.jpg (503894 bytes), with enough figures to field about 8,000 odd points.   In the Warhammer armies book, there is an extensive history of the "story" of the High Elf nation.  A lot of people assume Elves are sweet natured, do-gooders.  I reject this version, and my style of play, and the army lists I choose reinforce this view.  My army is painted on the assumption that the troops are not from Ulthuan, but from the South Lands.   Self-imposed refugees from all over Ulthuan left, when the Dark Elves were finally ousted from Nagarythe, because they were disaffected with the official policy, and so set up a base from which to sally forth against the minions of Chaos.  Gradually their skin darkened, and their thirst for revenge, made them more akin to Shadow Warriors than to the normal elven mindset.

Below is a selection of armies I have designed, and the statistics on their success.   Follow the links for the actual army lists, and battle reports.

Army lists :  Name (points) - description (win/draw/lose)

2002 SLW Tourney (2000 pts) - Back again under 6th ed rules               (1/0/0)
WPS Tournament (2000 pts) - My biggest and most brutal tourney!       (2/1/2)
2001 SLW Tourney (2000 pts) - My 6th ed South London Warlord army  (3/1/0)*
Chaos Warrior force (2K pts) - HtH Chaos Warrior army                        (0/0/1)
Empire Slapper (2000 pts)    - Done rather well vs Adam's Empire lads  (3/0/0)
Shooty (1500 pts Empire and HE vs 3000 pts VC) - Support vs Necrach  (1/0/0)
Active defence (1500 pts)    - Used vs HtH Empire army                       (1/0/0)
Chariot army (2000 points)   - Hard hitting vs Vamps                           (1/0/0)
SLW Tourney (2300 points)   - South London Warlord tourney army      (3/1/1)
Goblin horde (2000 points)   - Big Gobbo army, plus fast stuff              (2/0/0)
First 6th ed test army (1200 pts) - testing 1, 2, 3...
old army lists of various sizes (4th/5th editions)

To help design armies, I use Roll Call.  Lone Wolf's Army Builder has a better interface, but you gotta pay.