Hello!Thanks for taking the time to visit. These pages reflect my interests, from Astronomy to Webpages. I hope you find something to interest you, and will leave any comments or suggestions you may have about my site. To find out about recent changes and additions to this site, see the What's New Page. The rest of this page gives you information about: Thanks for visiting, and stop in again (we're always re-arranging the furniture!).
Chatrooms is one of the public chat areas available. It is a simple text-based space provided by Beseen company. The other area is 'The Pub House' chatroom. Thanks to the people at Parachat for this service. It requires java support enabled in your browser to work, but offers more chat features. There is also a link to Research Triangle Hi-Tech chat forum. Feel free to use these areas to meet a friend, even if I'm not around. Note: Please read and follow the guidelines for using these areas, they are stated in the entrance bulletin. If you would like to sit down and chat about any subject, drop me a note with times that are best for you. My timezone is the EST, and I am usually online around midnight (this is about the only time I can get away from all my other projects!).
Fractals & GraphicsThe Fractals link takes you to the entrance of the Mandelbrot Image gallery. You can view some of my images, explore alien worlds, or explore the Mandelbrot & Julia sets on-line with java applets. F.Y.I. - If you right-click on any graphic (including a background), this allows you to Save Picture as or
Save Background as to create a file on your computer to use on your webpages. Please respect the copyrights when saving pictures. You are welcome to use any graphics on these pages for your personal page.
Tips & Tricks & HelpMy Tips & Tricks pages contain information on peaking your system performance and helpful tips for DOS, Windows, and the Web. Last fall, 'WebTools' toolbars for Microsoft Word was added. The toolbars will help you create webpages using Microsoft Word version 7.0 as your editor. Your feedback is important, let us know what you think about it.
NavigationThe views, Full-Screen HTML, Javascript-Form, or Frames, all offer different ways to access site information. The Javascript-Form and Frames pages have more detailed Links Menus, and full Music Menus. They also gives you access to the internet, while maintaining quick access to background music, search engines, and my favorite links.
A 'Wee Bit' About MeComputers have been a major part of my work and hobbies for the last 25 years. I am an Electronics Technician for one of the largest and best consumer electronics manufacturers in the world. I enjoy exploring new hardware and software, and do some programming in VB and SQL. I designed these pages (for better or worse), and learned a great deal about the internet, HTML, CGI, and more in the process. Feel free to e-mail any questions about computers or the WWW, I'll try to get you an answer, if possible (I don't claim to know it all!) I am also a member of The HTML Writers Guild. The HWG organization is dedicated to the advancement of websites authors, supporting and improving their work by providing information and an open forum for discussion of topics related to authoring web pages. The intent is to sustain and improve the quality of work on websites. You can contact them by clicking on the emblem below.
Page Author is a Member of
I am an A+ Certified Computer Technician recognized by the Computing Technology Industry Association (PC Manufacturers Group) for diagnostics and repair for most PC's and components.
A+ Certified Computer Technician
by the
Computing Technology Industry Association
If you have any comments or suggestions, or you have trouble with any of the links, please let me know, by e-mail , so I can take the necessary actions.Enjoy your visit to my site! Stop in again!