Java Applets are programs written in Java Language that allows them to be downloaded and run on your computer over the internet.
Many of them are just toys for webpage designers. But they are capable of much more.
In essence, if you have the right hardware, you can run any program that has been converted to Java language, over an internet connection.
That means:
- You don't have to buy the program.
- You can minimize installation hassles.
- There is a much easier learning curve,
- Which means you can be more productivity.
You can find almost any type of Java Applet at The Java Boutique. The site offers free applet with the code, and enough information for even the novice to use something on their page. Check it out.
Another excellent source for information on Java and javascripts is at the Gamelan web site.
There are two pages that I have incorporated Java Applets into at Interlopers. They both have to do with Fractal representations.
The first is a program to explore the Mandlebrot Set of Fractal integers. This is the program that creates patterns that look like chaos, but can be explained by relatively simple mathematical equations. Click here to explore on-line.
The second page explores the Julia variations of the Mandelbrot Set. Julias form strings of patterns connected or disconnected, depending on if the point is inside or outside the Mandelbrot chaos point. Click here to explore Julias.
Recently I have been studying various javascripts and learning the language. My first deep plunge was to convert an old program I had written 15 years ago for my daughters, WAMPUS Caves. It is a multi-level maze game. In the process of converting it to a web-capable program, it has become a virtual multi-level maze; a maze level has 16 chambers, but the move options create a virtual 48 chamber level. Music, and simpler movement and graphic commands are incorporated into the web version. Click here to try to escape the WAMPUS.
Javascripts are the actual command lines that can be used in a HTML document to make the page more dynamic. Using simple javascripts, can make your web pages smarter and more inter-active.
I use a simple script to open windows in the navigation of this site.
Here's the code: (This should be in the HEAD area of your page)
<!-- Script to use FORM inputs to navigate -->
<script language="JavaScript">
<!-- Hide script from old browser
function surf(form) {
var theindex=form.dest.selectedIndex[theindex].value,
The input is from a form similar to this: (This is in the BODY)
<!-- Related Links Form -->
<form name="theform">
<select name="dest" SIZE=1>
<option value"">[Related Links]
<OPTION VALUE="guestbk1.html">Guestbook
<OPTION VALUE="navhelp1.html">Navigation
<OPTION VALUE="framehlp1.html">Frames
Feel free to use a similar interface in your personal pages.
If you do, drop me a note so I can admire your site. And add a link here to it.