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Tips For Using Internet Explorer Will Appear Here Randomly


  Tech-Eclectic Downloads



Welcome to my download page. It is still under construction ... Sorry.
If you have an immediate need, feel free to send me an email, or click the "T - Site Links" menu, and then "Contact".
( pssst... did you add me to your favorite places yet? )



Complete Menu System in Compressed Format - Zipfile... (190kb)
This file contains a sample menu page in HTML format, a text of the code for the menus, and all the graphics needed for the menu. Also, I included blank buttons (135x35 pixels) for you to use to create your own recessed menu buttons.


More files should be available soon
I am in the process of compressing some of the other scripts from my pages. Check back again. Thanks!




You can cut'n-paste scripts or code from some of my other pages. Or you can download buttons or background graphics. I hope to have other scripts available here soon. Please check back in a short time, or better yet, add me to your list of favorites (Only works in IE... sorry).

Use the menus at the top of the page to access the areas of my site. This is a project in the works so not all the pages have been coded yet... but I'm working on it!