D2M at home - V4 Edition 1

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Volume 4 Edition 1

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.... The continuing saga that has become known as Family News is here again. This is somewhat of a mini-series covering past/present/recent events in and around the house. This is one page of several others that "getting better as we go" keeps you up to speed of events around here. The idea that this may appear as a monthly thing is false. It is written when the weather keeps me indoors or when the notion strikes me. Remember this is not only for those far away but for those of us who have a moments to spend during the day when reading is much better. Take a moment to write and let us know events unfolding at your end.

Before It's like reading old newspapers, "It's News to Me" After

Karin's world
20020101 - The student still has a firm grip on school and the part time job.

20020110 - After a busy Christmas season working and celebrating, we have made a decision to procure our own iMac. News and hopefully photo's soon.

(Mount Royal)

Sherri's world
20020101 - Look to last edition for photo's of the beasties. They are as playful as ever with more than mischief to go around.

20020102 - Lingerie must be her destiny? An era has ended, Snap-on is not our friend anymore. Sept 11 has taken it's toll on Canada and the tool industry from the States has been having a rough time.

(The Bay)

Carolyn's world
20020101 - This edition let's not talk health issues. The new kitchen story below is the subject of talk for months now and I suspect months to come.

I could talk about the events at the Institute of higher learning however this gets my blood pressure to unsatisfactory levels. If you know me this is somewhat of a challenge at the best of times.

There is always a reason to have a new kitchen and she says often, "It's so easy to clean!" It is a success and now knowing this I will try to capture the thought used and apply this to other parts of the house. News of my findings soon.

There are fewer priorities than fine health.


Don's world
Don't get the wrong idea that I am writing this first thing in January. I have indeed been writing however during the first week of January. Which reminds me, this is nearing the sixth year of the D2M effort. The photo to the left was taken during a brain storming session somewhere near mid-completion of this page. No-siree, no bright lights in the Mac room for this guy! How else can you cop a snooze with such distractions. If you look hard enough you can see...

20020101 - G4. [sigh] Supercomputer indeed! The amazing results of rendering photo's at light speed is painless. iPhoto is also awesome.

20020120 - Technology Gloat of the Month: Mac OS X, I have experience with Xwindows and all forms of DOS, UNIX and every Mac OS since the beginning and I have to say I am damn near speechless. They have outdone themselves again.

Some have written and asked when the page will be updated. Here it is.

That was the long answer.


The House
The fan keeps us cool...
20020101 - The 7RP (70's Renovation Project) is complete in the kitchen. The reno has taken us to levels never thought possible. There are of course finishing touches that spread to other parts of the house such as the ceilings which require painting. Objects du Art on the walls need updating as well, sadly we have no idea what to look for just yet. We have some idea what to not look for...
The whole project was slightly over budget but it's worth it. Going with slightly better than most common appliances is a plus. The plumbing exercise was a pain in the rear from the soldering of copper at the lowest level of the building viewpoint, just try and get that water out of there! I gave up and finally used compression fittings. The electrical panel is full, no more room for any additional breakers at all. But the most fun of all was the vent for the microwave/hoodfan. Yes, even more fun than lifting the myriad layers of flooring and days worth of painting. My ribs are almost healed and one day if you have the time I will explain the story.

The left photo is the corner of the kitchen where the sink was. Notice the extreme darkness outside of the windows, this was very common working until extreme darkness. The photo on the right was during the floor installation. The two guys did a great job just as the fellow who did the cabinets. These guys would have hosed us big time however if we did not prepare the room as we did. Funny as it is, to save a few dollars (well, it would be hundreds actually) we would work ourselves to the bone evenings to prepare for the next day. The guys would arrive with all kinds of stuff already done and it was my hope that things would go quicker as well. At least I think it did.

The left photo is for the benefit of those who stand in front of the appliance and wonder "What's in the fridge?" This is the answer, nothing. Whether there is or not the answer is usually nothing anyway. Why stand there and stare looking for something is unknown, your feet just get cold.

We are waiting and standing by to solve another house (reno) emergency.


To be continued...

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edited: 20020120

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D2M © 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 MacMcLellan A graduate of Curmudgeon Emeritus.