the D2M House - June 1999 Edition
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....Once again News that is Family News This is somewhat of a mini-series covering past/present/recent events in and around the house for a seventh time.
Karin's world 990610 - Dinner time was traditionally the time when we would all gather together and then off to our respective places. Soccer, jobs & "her little friends"** have kept our young one away most days. It is not hard to tell what is the latest movie or spot to be, she is one of those in the line up. ** Little Friends - read, ones chums and acquaintances that takes one away.
Sherri's world 990608 - Sherri's has been job shopping. I expect she wants another car and since loser boy got rid of her last one we must take the parental step and make enough of an impression that she regards it with due care. Giving her a car does nothing for her respect for it and the upkeep of it. Helping her get another, yes. Although a job that will suitably enough to maintain a car and living style she wants is on the way.
Carolyn's world =============================================================== Update CARD CARRYING CAROLYN CONVALESCENCE CONTINUED... =============================================================== 990612 (D2M) Yesterday Carolyn attended her one month check up at the Foothills Pacemaker Clinic. Several reasons for the appointment included examining the lead sensitivity, lead operation, site healing & pacemaker operation. We also obtained some answers about her ongoing new sensations and experiences. The surgeon was in the clinic during her visit and was comforted to see her doing so well. During the appointment the EP technician assembled data from tests performed on the device to indicate excellent lead sensitivity and control. She also said Carolyn could begin a regime of increased mobility and radial arm movement. Generally she is adjusting well and coping as expected with most relaxed situations. In the months ahead she will increase activity to reach a comfort level we take for granted. The placement site is nearly healed and looking good. All that remains is a small stitch that will dissolve in a few more days. With out a doubt she has youth in her favour when it comes to healing. The fine tuning was completed after some discussion and to the satisfaction of the EP technician. She was given the nod to skip a couple of steps and revisit the clinic in 6 months rather than 2. This is of course if everything goes well. The odd sensation she encounters was explained by the new pacing lead location. Imagine a muscle that was triggered from the centre, it would begin contracting from the centre until tissue is fully contracted. Now consider if the same muscle was triggered nearer to one end, the muscle would fully contract but initially more so at the trigger site. This is the situation with Carolyn, the function is there but located slightly different within the heart muscle than it was for several decades. If you do your own research as I do this was explained briefly as the ElectroPhysiological vector path. The traditional vector travels from the Sinus to the AV node and down to the end between the two ventricles. It does encompass more than this but in her situation it is the likely reason for her unusual sensations. I don't think it is uncomfortable, only distracting. Beside her "war injury scar" she can now brag about a new "Get out of the metal detector Free" card. A couple of days ago she received yet another plastic card that excuses her from metal detectors at places like the airport. As I have said before she is certainly getting better. She has been out of the house for walks and enjoyed it! This is something that has not occurred for some time yet it was under a slow pace with a no destination in mind journey, which helps. As you know the stress of making a deadline be it driving or shopping under a time limit can adversely effect us all. She has been slowly adjusting to her limits and in time push those thresholds to "the limit". The nurses are trying to initiate a labour stoppage and although it would be welcome for the nurses to get what they think they need they won't let the cardiac departments go out. This of course is not a subject of humour. I tried. Retorts such as checking Carolyn's fluid levels, filter status were OK but belt tightening was not taken lightly. That had a political connotation. Finally thanks again for your continued support and well wishes.
Don's world 990612 - As I write this it is a warm calm Saturday afternoon, the grass is cut and a ice cold beer cuts the dust. The gardening is pretty much started and well under way. Time to find a couple of trees for the hammock....
The House The fan keeps us cool... Where is it said that one's garage must be the place to put all that is not wanted in the house. Don't get rid of it just yet but don't leave it in the house. Hmmm, something may change in a few days, the summer will be hot and who wants to not be able to get maintenance done in the cool garage.
To be continued...
D2M © 1997 1998 1999 MacMcLellan A graduate of Curmudgeon Emeritus.