Pyros's Pages - Paper Airplanes


Freeware Games

Paper Airplanes

PC Keyboard Drums

SI Stereogram Maker



Email Pyros


Get instructions for making:

The FloatGlider / Printer Friendly Version

The Pyroplane / Printer Friendly Version

The Kiter / Printer Friendly Version

The Flash / Printer Friendly Version

Now you can either view the normal pages which fit the theme of Pyros's Pages by clicking an airplane's name above, or go to a more printer friendly version by clicking the link to the right of each airplane's name.

The printer-UNfriendly pages now holds real pictures of the folding stages, taken with my WebCam, making it easier to understand complex stages, such as in The Kiter and The Pyroplane.

If you would like to learn making these planes offline,
you might want to download
this file,
which contains instructions for all the planes,
and takes 730kb.
Unzip it while maintaining sub-directories.
Contains both printer friendly and not PF versions.
After unzipping, use planes.htm as index file.