
What is style? Can it even be defined? We refer to someone having "style", but when pressed to give a definition, we stumble a bit . The word has been used and overused (so here I go using it again!) -- but I would like to define it this way:

style (noun): the way you dress, bedeck, adorn and otherwise bedizen the canvas of yourself.

That's it, from the skin out -- the clothes you wear, the way you wear your hair, jewelry, makeup, accessories, shoes -- opinions, ideas and suggestions I have about them, particularly for large people.

Presently, only the clothing pages are available, but I am posting the others just as soon as I finish them, so keep checking back! To prevent enormously long pages, I've broken this down by subject:

Clothing -- is your wardrobe in need of an overhaul? Perhaps this will help!

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Honda refuses to offer seat belt extenders for large people! Click here to read more.
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