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Australia - Phase 1
Australia - Phase 2
Australia - Phase 3

Sydney - 1
Sydney - 2
Sydney - 3
New Zealand - 1
New Zealand - 2
The Aussie Flag

A mess after our house party

Friday, March 27th, 1998:
Me and my house-mates took a shot at throwing a good old fashioned house party. Everything went wonderfully, Copt that we lost two bags of empty beer bottles down the stairs at am. Here's Hege (Norwegian roomie) and Aron (a tall Canadian bloke) cleaning up the mess. We were cleaning up at this insane hour so the landlord wouldn't find out about our 'against the house rules' activities.

Here're me and two of my favorite housemates, Hege and Magnus. It's around Midnight, and we've just finished a cask of wine. Magnus is currently wondering where his pants have gone!

Magnus wondering where his boxers went!

The Canadian gang and our mentor Terry

Here're the bunch of us after a grueling kickboxing session with our torture master Terry the Terrible! Approximately from left to right we have: Eddie, Lisa, Me, Terry, John, and Craig.

Me and eddie in our skrimish gear!

Me and Eddie took a little trip at the end of may out to the middle of nowhere to try our hands at Skirmish (aka 'Paintball'). We both suffered a number of bruises and welts, but thanks to Eddie shooting anyone who moved (including our own teammates)we survived relatively unscathed!

Most of the Canadians in Oz

An excellent little patriotic photo of most of the Canadians who were overseas.

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