All the Baths in the World (by bike)
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Barbados - Illinois - Jamaica - Maine - Michigan - Netherlands - New Brunswick - New Hampshire - New York - North Carolina - Ohio - Ontario - Pennsylvania - St Kitts-Nevis - South Carolina - South Dakota - Scotland - West Virginia

Bath, Illinois

Population: 400
28 August 1999

Bath, Illinois

The only statistic you need know for Bath, Illinois is that it has 400 people and four bars, and that on a Saturday night, the average number of people in a bar is 100. We were there on Saturday night, and the population of the Boat Tavern (above), splendidly set on the side of the river, rose to 102 (or, as it appeared to me after being bought beers by curious and chummy locals, 202).

Local newspaper photographers Steve and Tiffany (many thanks, guys) were kind enough to drive us all the way to Bath from Springfield. Outside the bars, Bath is a little huntin' shootin' fishin' and farmin' community, the site of Abe Lincoln's 'A house divided against itself' speech, and home of major league pitcher Mark Clark. We met his sister.

All great fun. We went on to a top night out at the local Burgoo afterwards. I had some Burgoo and it was quite nice. Some day I may find out what it is.

Bath Book signatory
Kenneth De Ford, Bar Owner

Kenneth De Ford
Signature from Bath Book