All the Baths in the World (by bike)
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Bath, Ohio

Population: 9,000
4 September 1999

Bath, Ohio

Bath, Ohio is a wealthy suburb of Akron and Cleveland where the houses look a million dollars, because that's what they cost. Much in the same way that we look like twenty quid.

We blundered our way into a church service but luckily escaped only with an apple tart (how come certain ministers remind me of double-glazing salesmen?) but the main point of interest was our visit to Hale Farm. This is an open-air museum of village life in the 1850s with period-costume role-players acting as villagers of the time. Fascinating stuff, as we learnt from our meeting with Bill Hill and Trudy Maistros, who work at the museum. Trudy plays the part of Sally Tibbals, a farmsteader of 1848 in 'Wheatfield' - the recreation of Bath village as it was then.

Bath Book signatory
Trudy Maistros, 'Sally Tibbals'

Trudy Maistros
Signature from Bath Book