Chapter 1: Depression
Chapter 2: A Rosy Smile
Chapter 3: So Who's It From?
Chapter 4: People and Places
Chapter 5: Roses Are Red... Violets Are Blue...
Chapter 6: When Calls Aren't Worth It
Chapter 7: Anger, Dates and Friends
Chapter 8: Makoto's Neighbor
Chapter 9: The Date
Chapter 10: Rain, Headaches, Fever and Flus
Chapter 11: Surprises
Chapter 12: Meeting
Chapter 13: Back to Normal?
Chapter 14: Disastrous Ending
Chapter 15: Mending Hearts

Confused Heart | PB: Venus | Her Pain, My Pain | PB: Mercury |
PB: Mars | PB: Moon & Earth | PB: Jupiter | Relieving Pains

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