Many of us grew up in a society
that accepted the practice of corporal punishment. I have heard many
people say that they were spanked as children and that it didn’t hurt
them. And it seems that in some cases that might be true. And many of us
have heard about those situations where the treatment of a child can clearly
by seen as abusive. But where is that middle line. When does a spanking
cross the line from being an acceptable form of discipline to being abuse.
For some no hit is acceptable and sadly for others
there are no limits. In the book Recognizing Child Abuse: A Guide for
the Concerned D. J. Besharov presents a series of questions in
Is the Punishment Reasonable?
Punishment whose reasonably foreseeable consequence
was or could have been the child’s serious physical injury is "unreasonable"
and should be reported. In less severe cases, the following factors
are used to decide whether corporal punishment was "reasonable":
Was the purpose of the punishment
to preserve discipline or to train or educate the child? Or was the
punishment primarily for the parent’s gratification or the result of
the parent’s uncontrolled rage?
Did the child have the capacity to understand
or appreciate the corrective purpose of the discipline? (Very young
children and mentally disabled children cannot.)
Was the punishment appropriate to the child’s
misbehavior? (However, no matter how serious a child’s misbehavior,
extremely hurtful or injurious punishment is never justified.)
Was a less severe but equally effective punishment
Was the punishment unnecessarily degrading,
brutal, or beastly in character or protracted beyond the child’s power
to endure?
If physical force was used, was it recklessly
applied? (Force directed toward a safe part of the body, such as the
buttocks, ordinarily is much more reasonable than is force directed
toward vulnerable organs, such as the head or genitals.)
What I like about the above is that it includes
physical abuse that is inclusive of things that are beyond hitting
the child. It would include things like forcing a child to stand or
kneel motionless for hours at a time. Shoving food down a child’s throat
or depriving them of food, burning, pinching grabbing, pushing or throwing
them, locking them in a room or closet, shaking a child, twisting an arm
or pulling their hair could also be included in this kind of definition.
There is so much controversy about this whole
issue. But what I am more interested here is what defines physical abuse
to a child. In looking at the last paragraph I realized after typing it
that as a child I experienced every one of them. And I was often told that
it was for my own good or that it would hurt them more than it hurt me.
I was constantly reminded that I deserved it. And I believed it all.
This kind of abuse teaches a child that they
are worthless. It teaches them to be afraid of the very people they
are dependent on to survive. It teaches them to not trust people. It
teaches them to be overly compliant and passive or to fight back and
become aggressive. It is destructive to the child’s spirit