Selamat berjumpa kembali di situs DisKrisek, Edisi Maret 1999. Situs ini mencoba mengikuti analisa memahami gelembung ekonomi, alias pertumbuhan ekonomi balon yang tidak tahan terhadap pergeseran keseimbangan, dan berisi ratusan analisa penyebab dan asal-muasal malapetaka bagi rakyat Asia. Banyak pendapat yang saling bertentangan, termasuk (sebagian) dari IMF yang tidak pernah merasa bersalah, bahkan dengan arogan merasa bangga bisa 'mengacau' dibanyak negara.

Michel Camdessus: "........leading in the case of Indonesia to widespread student unrest...... The IMF's programs tackled these problems head-on, and although we have been widely criticized, I am far from feeling apologetic; on the contrary, we in the Fund are proud of having decried such abuses........" Beruntung tidak semua orang IMF sama dengan Michel Camdessus.

Simaklah sekian banyak analisa, gagasan atau teori-teori, dan bandingkan dengan dampak apa yang anda alami dalam perekonomian sekarang.

Dan selalu perlu berhati-hati. Dari sepuluh nasihat yang diberikan, bisa ada lima yang mengandung jebakan-jebakan yang mengancam menjadi kekacauan. Si pemberi nasihat mudah sekali mengelak dari pertanggung-jawaban, dan terpulang kepada kita untuk memilah-milah serta memperhitungkan untung rugi mengikuti saran orang lain.

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Yang lalu :

Edisi Oktober 1998
Edisi Desember 1998



Apa manfaat 'ekonomi global'? Apa bahaya 'ekonomi global'? Bagaimana 'globalisasi' tidak disangka-sangka membawa krisis ekonomi.

A Global Economy -- or Not? [Intellectual Capital, February 18, 1999]
by Robert J. Samuelson

.....Fickle global financial markets collided with entrenched national practices (poor bank lending, corruption, “crony capitalism”) to produce highly unstable flows of capital into and out of developing countries. And the crisis has endured because it defies the power of any single country to resolve. There is no political, intellectual or institutional framework to impose a genuinely global solution. What does a “truly global economy” mean?.....

Berikut ini satu seri artikel New York Times terbitan Februari lalu terdiri dari empat bagian, berkisah tentang demam 'globalisasi' yang melanda ekonomi dunia dan sekaligus menghantarkan krisis di Asia, Rusia, dan Amerika Latin. .....Bagian pertama berisi ilustrasi uang milik seorang karyawati di Amerika bersangkut-paut dengan keluarga Salamet, tukang becak dari pinggiran desa Mojokerto...... Bagian kedua menceritakan liberalisasi yang diunggulkan dan begitu mudahnya 'emerging markets' menangguk dollar. .....Akibatnya investasi dari gelembung uang dollar merebak jadi masalah mengancam seluruh dunia, di Bagian ketiga. ......Dan lantas mana dia obatnya yang paling mujarab (Bagian keempat) ?

1. Who Sank, or Swam, in Choppy Currents of a World Cash Ocean [New York Times February 15, 1999]
By Nicholas D. Kristof with Edward Wyatt
2. How U.S. Wooed Asia to Let Cash Flow In [New York Times February 16, 1999]
By Nicholas D. Kristof with David E. Sanger
3. World's Markets, None of Them an Island [New York Times February 17, 1999]
By Nicholas D. Kristof with Sheryl WuDunn
4. The World's Ills May Be Obvious, but Their Cure Is Not [New York Times February 18, 1999]
By Nicholas D. Kristof with Sheryl WuDunn

.....The message from Washington during these upheavals strikes some foreigners as hypocritical. When Thailand and Brazil were hit, the Clinton administration's message was firm: Raise interest rates, cut government spending, put up with a recession if necessary, allow banks to fail, be stoical.
Yet in September when the crisis seemed as if it might strike the United States, the administration had a change of heart. President Clinton went into overdrive in September, welcoming three interest rate cuts by the Federal Reserve, pressing Europe and others to cut rates as well, and finally getting money out of Congress for the International Monetary Fund. The Federal Reserve even coordinated the rescue of Long-Term Capital Management, a hedge fund backed by wealthy investors.
The rate cuts were precisely the opposite of the prescription that the United States had handed out to everyone else. And these days, there is a lurking fear in Washington that these countermeasures may have worked too well -- creating a false sense of security. ......

Currency crises and the rewriting of history [FORBES Magazine March 22, 1999]
By Steve H. Hanke
Sudut pandang Steve Hanke dalam Forbes tetap menggelitik mengenai kebijakan mata uang yang mampu bertahan terhadap globalisasi. Trio Greenspan, Rubin dan Summers mempunyai kepentingan sendiri, dan tidak perlu semua mengikuti apa katanya.

The Three Marketeers [TIME Magazine Feb 15, 1999]
By Joshua Cooper Ramo
Economist heroes? It sounds silly unless you understand how close we came to economic meltdown last year.
Ketiganya adalah pahlawan menurut nominasi majalah Time.

Living Dangerously [TIME Magazine Feb 22, 1999]
By Claude Smadja, Geneva
We need new international mechanisms to harness globalization's potential to generate prosperity.

Fix the Global Financial System [TIME Magazine, February 1, 1999]
Floating exchange rates no longer serve today's rapidly changing economy

The Dark Side of Globalisation Part I & II [THE HINDU Online, February 12, 1999]
By Prem Shankar Jha
Apa yang terjadi setelah sisi globalisasi yang gelap menyelimuti perekonomian di Thailand, Indonesia dan Malaysia?

ECONOMIC ISSUES: The real face of financial liberalisation [India's National Magazine, From the publishers of THE HINDU Feb. 13 - 26, 1999]
By Prabhat Patnaik
An economy open to global financial flows tends to get caught in the mire of stagnation and lower social expenditures, both of which impinge adversely on the poor. This is what has happened in India.

Financial Globalization: New Challenges for Peoples' Movements
By Kavaljit Singh

The Global Crisis Deepens: Now What? [The Nations October 19, 1998]

.....There will be no return to normal, not in the terms that financiers and economists envision. The global system will either be reformed in fundamental ways or we will watch passively as the destabilizing dynamics of unregulated markets continue to deliver random destruction around the world, compounding the loss and misery for innocent bystanders. As the political turmoil accumulates, so will the conflict among trading nations. For better or worse, the global system is going to be profoundly altered by these events (if not utterly smashed).....
......The priorities for reform are all bound to be extremely difficult, but the first test is whether US elites really do believe in a progressive global system or merely in their own opportunism. One stunning revelation in this crisis is how quickly US leaders in politics, finance and multinational corporations abandoned their own longstanding sermons on the inevitability of globalization, pretending instead that this crisis does not involve us. They seem to have gotten over that illusion.
......But the hubris with which US business and banking leaders prescribe hard reforms for others and bargain-basement scavenging for themselves is sowing deep suspicions of US purposes elsewhere in the world. If the United States expects to lead, it must first restate, convincingly, its own commitment to fashioning a global system that is not based on neocolonial capitalism but truly is intended to be in everyone's long-term interest.
The fundamental problems a new Bretton Woods agreement must tackle involve finance, commerce and social relations--a much broader global understanding than the one fashioned from the rubble of World War II......

A Rising Tide Sinks All Boats [New York Times January 19, 1997]
by Matthew Miller
ONE WORLD, READY OR NOT: The Manic Logic of Global Capitalism. By WILLIAM GREIDER.

Curious George Talks the Market [The Nation February 1, 1999]
THE CRISIS OF GLOBAL CAPITALISM: Open Society Endangered. By George Soros.

An Excerpt from THE CRISIS OF GLOBAL CAPITALISM [Newsweek International, February 1, 1999]
In an excerpt from his new book, the billionaire financier assesses the current state of the world economy, describes how close we came to a collapse and offers some ways to prevent a real meltdown.

Not for the First Time, World Sours on Free Markets [The Nations October 19, 1998]
By John Gray

....... A year or so from now, it will be difficult to find a single person who admits ever having believed that a global free market is a sensible way of running the world economy........
The short history of the free market in nineteenth-century England illustrates a vital truth: Democracy and the free market are rivals, not allies. "Democratic capitalism"--the vacuous rallying cry of neoconservatives everywhere--signifies (or conceals) a deeply problematic relationship. The normal concomitant of free markets is not stable democratic government but the volatile--and not always democratic--politics of economic insecurity.
History exemplifies an equally important fact: Free-market economies lack built-in stabilizers. Without effective management by government, they are liable to recurrent booms and busts--with all their costs in social cohesion and political stability........

Financial Warfare
By Michel Chossudovsky
Professor of Economics, University of Ottawa, author of "The Globalisation of Poverty, Impacts of IMF and World Bank Reforms"

Subtopik dalam Artikel ini: .....Evolution of the Global Financial Crisis, ......"Financial Warfare", .....The Demise of Central Banking, ......Creditors and Speculators, ......Who Funds the IMF Bailouts?, .....Strong Economic Medicine, ......Deregulating Capital Movements, ......Creating a Global Financial Watchdog......
......The crisis is not limited to Southeast Asia or the former Soviet Union. The collapse in the standard of living is taking place abruptly and simultaneously in a large number of countries. This Worldwide crisis of the late twentieth century is more devastating than the Great Depression of the 1930s. It has far-reaching geo-political implications; economic dislocation has also been accompanied by the outbreak of regional conflicts, the fracturing of national societies and in some cases the destruction of entire countries. This is by far the most serious economic crisis in modern history........

Crash Course: Just What's Driving the Crisis in Emerging Markets? [New York Times January 29, 1999] By Louis Uchitelle
Markets Are Freer Than Politicians [New York Times February 21, 1999] By David E. Sanger
Global Markets' Lethal Magic [New York Times February 21, 1999]

Time for action on crisis economies [AFR February 22, 1999]
Japan pushes for Asian version of IMF [AFR February 12, 1999] By Andrew Cornell, Tokyo

Asian Crisis: World Must Cooperate to Find Solutions [The Strait Times March 4, 1999] A Commentary By Jack Boorman
Reforming the International Monetary System [Monaco, March 6, 1999] Address by Mr. Alassane D. Ouattara

New Approach to Development Strategy Statement at the World Bank Symposium on Global Finance and Development by KIICHI MIYAZAWA, the Minister of Finance, Japan [March 1, 1999]
The strengths of maverick Mr Yen [AFR March 17, 1999] By Tony Boyd
Japan's Sakakibara hits out at IMF, US dominance [Sat Jan 23 1999]
"The End of Market Fundamentalism" [Asiaweek February 5, 1999] By Sakakibara Eisuke


Real Brazil dibiarkan mengambang sejak Januari lalu. Seberapa jauh devaluasi yang terjadi? Jurus apa yang digunakan Pemerintah Brazil bersama IMF dan Amerika?

What Is Globalisation Anyway? THE BRAZILIAN FINANCIAL SCAM [October 1998]
by Michel Chossudovsky, Professor of Economics, University of Ottawa, author of THE GLOBALISATION OF POVERTY, Impacts of IMF and World Bank Reforms; Third World Network, Penang and Zed Books, London, 1997.

by Michel Chossudovsky
The Speculative Onslaught: From East Asia and Russia to Latin America

Subtopik dalam Artikel ini: .....Shuttle Diplomacy, .....Squeezing Credit, .....Endorsement by Washington Consensus, .....Increase in the Price of Bread, .....Getting the Green Light from Wall Street, ......Background of the IMF Agreement, .....Preventive Economic Medicine, ......"Up Front Fiscal Adjustment", .......The IMF Agreement Contributes to Fuelling Capital Flight, .....Enticing Speculators, .......Declining Central Bank Reserves, .....Hidden Agenda, .....Collapse of the Real, ......"A Marshall Plan for Creditors and Speculators", ......Towards an Inflationary Spiral, ......"Programmed Bankruptcy", ......Implications for Latin America, ......Disarming the Neoliberal Agenda.....

Brazil: a test of IMF's new tactics, Another Failure? [The Globe and Mail February 1, 1999]
By Heather Scoffield
Although the multibillion-dollar bailout was supposed to be pre-emptive, some say it has only benefited speculators, and has failed to stabilize the economy or help Brazilians.

JEFFREY SACHS: Self-inflicted wounds [Financial Times 21st January, 1999]
It is dangerous to fall in love with exchange rate pegs, as Brazil discovered to its cost. Countries should discard them as soon as they have stabilised internal prices.

Why Brazil Did What It Did and What Options Are Left [New York Times January 16, 1999]
By Sylvia Nasar

ECONOMY-MERCOSUR: Soros is Region's New Strong Man [InterPress Service, 09-Feb-99]
By Daniel Gatti

The Story's Not Over [Newsweek International, February 1, 1999]
George Soros argues for an international central bank and tougher treatment for imprudent lenders -- and says what it's like to be called an evil speculator.

Regional Implications of Globalization: A Latin American Perspective [Paris, March 15, 1999]
Address of Michel Camdessus

Latin America in a Globalized Economy: The Chilean Response [Paris, March 14, 1999]
Remarks by Michel Camdessus


Indonesia sedang mempersiapkan Rancangan Undang-Undang Bank Sentral (BI). Sebagai acuan kita lihat bagaimana pola Bank Sentral di negara lain. Ikuti artikel mengenai Federal Reserve di Amerika, dan Bank Sentral Eropa yang baru dibentuk sebagai pengelola Euro.

U.S. Monetary Policy: An Introduction [FRBSF Economic Letter January 1, 1999]

How Is the Federal Reserve Structured? What Are the Goals of U.S. Monetary Policy? What Are the Tools of Monetary Policy? How Does Monetary Policy Affect the Economy? How Does the Fed Formulate Its Strategies?

The European System of Central Banks
By Mark A. Wynne

On January 1, 1999, the European System of Central Banks (ESCB) began conducting monetary policy for eleven of the fifteen nations of the European Union, formally creating an economic and monetary union. The ESCB is governed by the decision-making bodies of the European Central Bank (ECB) and manages Europe's new currency, the euro.

Sejumlah links yang membahas krisis ekonomi Asia dan
berbagai topik ekonomi yang relevan
dapat diikuti dibawah ini:

World Bank
US Federal Reserve Board
Bank Sentral berbagai negara
Asia Crisis Homepage - Nouriel Roubini
CURRENCY BOARDS Kurt Schuler Homepage

Penerbitan IMF :
IMF Papers on Policy Analysis and Assessment in Full Text
IMF Publications

Memorandum Indonesia - IMF :
Letter of Intent and Supplementary Memorandum of Economic and Financial Policies, March 16, 1999
Letter of Intent and Supplementary Memorandum of Economic and Financial Policies, November 13, 1998
Letter of Intent and Supplementary Memorandum of Economic and Financial Policies, October 19, 1998
Letter of Intent and Supplementary Memorandum of Economic and Financial Policies, September 11, 1998
Letter of Intent and Memorandum of Economic and Financial Policies, July 29, 1998
Second Supplementary Memorandum of Economic and Financial Policies, June 24, 1998
Supplementary Memorandum of Economic and Financial Policies, April 10, 1998

Aneka Artikel : 

EURO: Dampaknya bagi Asia (990107)
Aliran Modal dan Kebijakan Nilai Tukar (Rev.990109)
Kumpulan Pidato: Gagasan Otorita Moneter Internasional (Rev.981224)
Ilmu Ekonomi untuk Orang Awam (Rev.990109)
Kearah Regulasi Kapital Global (Rev.981018)
Hedge Fund LTCM Hampir Runtuh (Rev.981004)
Jurus Malaysia: Kebijakan Pengendalian Devisa (Rev.981004)
Jurus Hong Kong: Intervensi di Pasar Bebas (Rev.981026)
Riwayat Bantuan IMF (Rev.980910)

Kumpulan berbagai komentar, kritik dan saran-saran mengenai program kebijakan dan bantuan IMF kepada negara berkembang: tulisan Jeffrey Sachs, George Schultz, Joseph Stiglitz, artikel WSJ, FT, Washington Post, NYT, dll.
Tiga Makalah oleh Robert Wade mengemukakan analisa yang kritis terhadap "Wall Street - Treasury - IMF Complex" serta merangkum pandangan para pakar lainnya.

Tabel Kurs Harian beberapa mata uang Asia, dll, terhadap USD:
mulai tanggal 2 Juli 1997 s/d 31 Desember 1998.
mulai tanggal 1 September 1998 s/d 12 Maret 1999.

Edisi DISKRISEK yang lalu :
Edisi Oktober 1998
Edisi Desember 1998

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Last updated Mar-1999 Edition on Sunday 28 March 1999, 12:17 PM. Revisited    since 4 June 2000.