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Best regards,
Rebecca Tomczyk

To view the History Channel's Recommended Sites, click on the logo above. When you reach the site, click on "We Recommend". This will pull up a screen that has four links on the far right, one of which says "Recommended Web Sites".

I am offering a $100 REWARD for ABSOLUTE PROOF that my Peter COOPER of Autauga Co, AL was the son of Adam B. COOPER Sr of Fairfield Co, SC!! If you would like more info on this offer, please click HERE.

Hello and Welcome to Rockett's Genealogy Web! The following pages provide information on the ROCKETT mailing list and on my ancestral lines.
This site offers the ROCKETT AWARD OF EXCELLENCE for outstanding genealogy sites. The most recent winner is Ray Sterner's "Color Landform Atlas of the United States". To see his beautiful maps, click HERE. To see the list of other winners with links to their sites, click HERE.
If you don't share any of my ancestral lines, you still might find the Ware Lineage page of interest. This page features some BEAUTIFUL pictures of Cornwall, England. The "National Genealogical Society Quarterly" recently published an article about using signatures to prove Rev. WARE. To visit this page, click HERE.
OR....you might enjoy my granddaughter's homepage Holly's Homepage.
OR....you might enjoy seeing my new puppy's PEDIGREE Woo Tai's Lineage
My 15th century Rockett "ancestor uncle" was a pirate in Ireland. To read about this "Black Sheep" and visit other sites with Black Sheep ancestors, click HERE.
This site now has a SEARCH ENGINE!! Just enter a word in the box below.
Check out the ANIMATED PAGE which features the Dodd Lineage.
Don't miss the line to ADAM and EVE!!
This site has been listed by AMERICA'S FIRST FAMILIES as a "must see" website.
I hope you find this site helpful and entertaining. If you consider it one of the top 20 personal genealogy sites on the internet, please click on the banner below and vote for Rockett's Genealogy Web before heading back out into

Rockett's Genealogy Web is currently NO. 1 on the Stoneskeep Top 20 Genealogy Sites!!!!

To see other great awards and special recognition given to this site, click HERE!!

Blue Goblet 

TeaSip Special Award Presented Dec 8, 1997.

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