Movies Of 1999

Star Wars Episode One: The Phantom Menace ****
American Beauty ****
The Sixth Sense ****
The Three Kings ****
Eyes Wide Shut ****
The Fight Club *** 1/2
The Blair Witch Project *** 1/2
Go *** 1/2
Deep Blue Sea *** 1/2
Stir Of Echoes *** 1/2
Matrix *** 1/2
South Park: Bigger, Longer, And Uncut *** 1/2
Bringing Out The Dead ***
Bowfinger ***
The General's Daughter ***
American Pie ***
Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me ***
The Mummy ***
8MM ***
Life ***
Blue Streak ***
Varsity Blues ***
House On Haunted Hill ** 1/2
The Haunting ** 1/2
Payback ** 1/2
10 Things I Hate About You ** 1/2
Big Daddy ** 1/2
October Sky ** 1/2
Analyze This ** 1/2
Message In A Bottle ** 1/2
Cruel intentions ** 1/2
She's All That ** 1/2
Office Space ** 1/2
Blast From The Past ** 1/2
Teaching Mrs. Tingle ** 1/2
Mystery Men **
The Mod Squad **
200 Cigarettes **
The 13th Warrior **
Edtv **
The Corruptor **
Carrie 2: The Rage **
Idle Hands **
Detroit Rock City **
The Out-Of-Towners **
At First Sight **
Simply Irresistible **
Jawbreaker * 1/2
Universal Soldier 2: The  Return * 1/2
Wing Commander *
My Favorite Martins *
Virus *           
Ravenous *
Baby Geniuses 1/2
In Dreams 1/2

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