at home with D2M - Spring Edition

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the D2M House - May 2000 Edition

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.... Once again the continuing saga that is Family News This is somewhat of a mini-series covering past/present/recent events in and around the house for a seventeenth time. Or can I say perhaps Volume 2 Issue 4?
This is one page of several others that "getting better as we go" keeps you up to speed of events around here.
Something Different: Also for your entertainment is a page of early McLellan history in pictures. Details are there.
©1999 2000 D2M, I'm sure images and certain proprietary items are here somewhere, they at all times belong to/ registered to the respective owners, you know who you are.

Before It's like reading old newspapers, "It's News to Me" After

Karin's world
20000503 - College is still a part of our social life! Studies for the current semester have concluded except for an evening course (economics) to add one more notch. The Hair shop fills in the days away from school.

20000511 - Boom, Boom not only does the car go boom but now her stereo in her room. Hmmm.

(Mount Royal )

Sherri's world
20000510 - As reported before, she still enjoys both jobs far too much.
Party, Party. One of her best friend's is getting married this summer. She was appointed honorary duties (bridesmaid) with the effort well under way.

(Snap-on tools)

Carolyn's world
20000510 - Last issue I told of a drug therapy that is/was supposed to offer relief. This is not so and trial and error are continuing.

Caution: Rant begins here.
Taking a firm stance at the pacemaker clinic has fallen on indifferent ears. Note: (to so called health professionals) To achieve the status (in the eyes of a patient, peer, etc) of a professional, a (profound thought to some) is to apply what you know to the situation at hand and form an opinion or judgement from it. This opinion or judgement would be to take the patient complaint, research material & current observations and transform this from what you know and mould into a sound diagnosis. This diagnosis combined with your knowledge of the calamity is again transformed into a therapy that can be applied. I did not say cure, we all know present day medicine cannot cure most ailments but they try and leave us with the impression they can. However said this simple concept of listening and guiding from experience and research is applied every day by each one of us in one form or another. It's called thinking for yourself. Perhaps I could also say if your health care provider trusts only what the computer says, leave immediately and seek alternate care. Neither you nor I have enough years left in us to explain to these type of people the reasons. It is a sad day my friends, when a crystallized piece of beach byproduct can determine a person's well being at the hand of clowns.

The clinic people are very helpful if you don't want anything. If you want to waste an afternoon with fools, I know just the place. Herein is where the adage was invented, "My computer says you are fine so it must be so." If the computer says I have 3 arms, then it must be. They cannot be told otherwise, facts and observation to the contrary aside. This may sound harsh, they could likely say something about my profession (I would be the first to agree) but this may I remind us, is a health issue, there is no issue of higher priority or importance than this. They are great diagnostic tools, that's it tools, the one using them must know how to use the tool recursively it becomes a weapon.
Let me draw a comparison (I know I do this too often) if you went to the clinic and demanded green paint. You are told they have only yellow and blue. Please go away... next! This would be satisfactory for some people but not me. We all learned in kindergarten how to get green from yellow and blue paints, however our beloved medical system's computers are not equiped with this kind of information as it would be applied to real situations. They are still at the "Look there must have been a train here, look at the tracks it left!" stage. Don't even think for one second that it could have been something other than railroad tracks, my head hurts thinking how messed up this could become. It would be likely completely dismissed as impossible and the patient is psychotic.

Ok, I know you are thinking he has flipped his lid and the medical system is not nearly that bad. It's true they are not but they are also at the same time very good at some things and less than acceptable at others. A broken leg is treated with a mixture of cloth and ground stone with fast curing chemicals. Take 2 other chemicals by mouth and call me in a month to six weeks. Tell me how is this a state of higher medicine? At the other end of the body every thing from primal screams to removing pounds of thinking matter are supposed to fix cranial problems. But recently I read that somewhere they have injected radioactive particles that cling to diseased tissue to combat something that patients were traditionally wholly bombarded that would do more damage than the disease on it's own. The disease is of course cured by radiation but how to administer it to only the diseased area was a problem. To me this seems simple, find the bait, poison it, send it in. Of course it is far more complex than this and my hat goes off to them.

20000522 - Over the years we have looked into the various drugs available (some prescribed, some not) and the reactions both adverse and intended. Some leave you with the impression that there could be very little benefit from using them at all. Some adverse reactions are very scary and high percentages of severe or extreme results from often used so called common drugs is not well known. We all interact and react differently with anything taken as a remedy, be it drug or not. Our chance anatomy and chemical makeup is very different from one individual to another. In Carolyn's case the current drug therapy is not working...
Continued research is required on our part to become aware and informed. If you play their game you have to know their language or they can pull the virtual wool over your eyes and you are not aware of the nature of the wool. We have read several studies and for your entertainment an excerpt:

    Drug refractory paroxysmal atrial tachyarrhythmias impose a difficult therapeutic challenge. Patients are usually symptomatic to a high degree whether they have underlying heart disease or not. RF AV junctional ablation and permanent pacing, lead to significant positive outcomes in terms of functional classification, hospital admissions and quality of life. These benefits may be attributed to improvement of left ventricular function, especially in patients with cardiomyopathy, probably because of control of heart rate, regularity of ventricular rhythm and cut-off of cardiodepressant antiarrhythmic drugs. The selection of the optimum pacing mode is crucial in these patients and must be individualized according to the type of tachyarrhythmia, sinus node chronotropic competence and to the presence or not of underlying heart disease.

The above from what we have read elsewhere is generally true to the extent that drug therapy is not the answer nor is it the question. We are still looking for a study where several therapies have been applied. I like the use of the words "significant", "challenge" and the "functional classification" term. These drive home the unknown nature of the big picture.


Don's world
20000305 - Insurance companies are not your friends. They may tell you otherwise, do not take this to be fact.
Insurance adjusters are not your friends. They may tell you otherwise, do not take this to be fact.
Weather forecasters likely have few friends, most likely buddies on bar stools also telling lies. These people are very wise in their ways, they convince a large following that they speak the truth. I'm sure I have told this before, where on earth my friends could you find a profession that openly permits false and loosely actual fact based observations to be worshipped by the masses as absolute truths. In other words, go to work and lie through your teeth and reap a large compensation.
Look to recent news each and every day for events of extreme weather and the surprized faces on the "authority" that was supposed to warn and predict such anomalies. They have no idea. Will it rain, will it snow or will it be fair weather of course it will, just as it has every May for the last billion years or so, why rely on the weatherman.
While I'm at it why not say, "Friends don't let friends do Windoz."


The House
The fan keeps us cool...
20000420 - The 7RP (70's Renovation Project) is stalled.
The floor covering in upstairs bathroom problem is solved. A narrow escape in this situation was averted by buying the very last remaining few tiles at the Home Depot. The style/pattern was discontinued but for us, brand new. And in the bathroom, excellent. 20000523 - Fence restoration has begun under cautious spending.
We are waiting and standing by to solve another house emergency.


To be continued...

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edited: 20000704

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