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News from the house du' D2M -part three-

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....This just in Here is the third page of facts and figures for reaching us here at this end or if you like it would be like the second section of the newspaper where the local events are written. I will again cover whatever comes to mind about projects and activity around here & yada, yada, yada. Most pages are about this size in content, with few exceptions. Once the comfortable size has been reached, this happens, a sequel. Clique this for the original Mail & News or the Mail & News 2 and now a New News 4 page. Updated when possible and average so far has been more than once per month somewhere on the site. A date will precede each time I add a new paragraph here on this page & others.
©1997 1998 1999 2000 D2M;, I'm sure images and certain proprietary items are here somewhere, they at all times belong to/remain registered to the respective owners, you know who you are.

As promissed a new method to get here and also a sneaky way to fire up your emailer and write.

Caution: Only those Mac users out there need apply. Yes I've also done it, I've discriminated against the System 7 users as well. So it seems these "thingme's" work very well with Mac OS 8.5 and better.

Try this, grab both items below and take them for a spin. Cliquing the links below will deliver them compressed, stuffed and packaged ready to go.

www.d2m.sit 591 bytes


write.d2m.sit 1391 bytes

Note: If you have a ready copy of StuffIt Expander you will just have to sit back and watch as it expands.

The above graphic takes you to where the Site changes are noted. Visit often? You may have to reload, often.

Things are always changing here at the site of D2M. Take the ride at the family news pages to share the adventure.

The Tree Project

990801 - Look to the Tree Page for the current family tree project events. In preparation for a major purchase of Tree software I have put the families in order. First the unique nature of the dbase structure has been overcome with my increased knowledge of how it all works together. Trust me FileMaker Pro is way out there in front when you need a relational database to sort your stuff. Every time I fire it up I realize something can be done better and faster each session.

Take for example you have several maps, images, addresses, and such you need to organize. I have discovered you can automatically sort the images by those used or not used. Also if you have a sound to go with the image it can be sorted and organized. Storage of these images, maps and sounds don't have to take up space in the "big picture" keeping the fundamental dbase free to grow uncluttered by huge parts.

The Weather

990809 - Let's not talk too much about this shall we.

Summer '99

I recently noticed a newspaper comic showing an elevator with a person staring at the sign posted beside the buttons stating, "Please avoid talking about the weather".
Elsewhere on the site you will discover we have other things on our minds.
990801 - Taking care of business is getting by each day during the heat when it is warm and gardening when it allows.

This just in.

990809 - In the weeks ahead look to the gardening page for more photo's on our discovery of Super Flowers. The Film / Camera / Processing / Scanner / Mac way must change one day to just Camera / Mac.

Travel '99

Travel in recent years has been limited. Reasons are discussed in past pages and will be in future issues.

This year's travel has not begun and will be underfoot very soon. Some long over due visiting will take place in the months ahead. Stay tuned....

990817 - With uncertain reaction to extended travel and from experience in the past, day trips are just what was needed to ease the "stuck in the city" syndrome. A short trip to Edmonton (I know) for an almost last minute visit with The Sultan's of Sand, the Smith's. These brave souls are once again heading to the Middle East to resume teaching.
990826 - Banff is a great place to spot out-of-province license plates. We had a great time laughing at the antics of the hordes of tourists & the stone faced stature of the clerks at the designer shops. A great dinner and good cruise of the town capped the day.
990827 - "Live long and prosper" is where our donated "Dispatchers Set" in the Vulcan and District Museum is keeping. When the film is ready I will publish the results of our journey to Vulcan and area.

Stay tuned....

Great news

The new car issue has solved plenty of things and created new ones. The most recent thing of greater concern is the cost of insurance. Holy cow. There is money to be made and the insurance companies are it.

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D2M © 1997 1998 1999 2000 MacMcLellan A graduate of Curmudgeon Emeritus.