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Bruce's Yodelling SchoolThe Fumps experience would not be complete without a tour of Bruce's Yodelling School. Why not book some lessons? See what the great figures in English literature have to say about it.Jane Austen:
Isaac Asimov:
Albert Camus:
William Shakespeare: Write a novel! Compose an opera! Just let Bruce show you how it's done. See what Bruce says: "The use of the human voice to produce music. In singing, the lungs act as an air reservoir and bellows, forcing air between the vocal cords and causing them to vibrate, much like the double reed of an oboe. The resulting sound is amplified as it resonates in the cavities of the chest, neck, and head, and it is articulated (given vowels and consonants) by the singer's lips, teeth, tongue, and palate. Vocal training allows a singer to develop breath control, to regulate the degree of relaxation or tension in the body, and to resonate and articulate sound. Whether trained or not, singers in every culture exercise choice in their use of the voice. American, Swiss, and African Pygmy yodelers intuitively alternate rapidly between high and low registers, for example, and most men can produce falsetto tones without knowing that these tones depend on only partial vibration of the vocal cords." And if yodelling's not your bag why not try... Basil's Bagpipe AnnexeBeat those queue blues...fill your bellows and see how fast you get to the front! Follow Basil's tried and tested method on how to become a Scotsman and understand the real reason behind haggis. Learn the true meaning of loneliness. All this and much, much more can be yours at Fump's! Fump's Emporium
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