The Dimensions For Dummies A little explanation for the concept of the different dimensions, and how Thlayli gets around in them.

Fair Play Negaduck stops kidding around, and is ready to kill Darkwing in any way possible.

The Ball of Death A short story, and my first fan fiction. Written for an English exam.

Darkwing Duck A poem I wrote for an English assignment. I've been ordered to keep Darkwing out of my future projects!

The Darkwing Rap The first Darkwing-related thing I ever wrote. Make up your own tune for this.

The Good, The Bad, And The Posiverse Ever wonder just how good Posiduck would really be?

The "One Nighters"

You can't stop ideas from getting stuck in your head, and they have to get out somehow! I write all these stories in one day, and they aren't top quality, but, what the heck, most people will read anything! ;)

In The Line Of Fire I'm sorry to all Launchpad fans. But don't you think DW worries about Gos all the time, and never Launchpad?

Exit One Duck I think this one is out of character for just about everyone, except perhaps the public. But hey, I may as well do something with it! ;)

The Perfect Year This story is really short, and was inspired by a song by Andrew Lloyd Webber.

Dimensions Make The Duck This is sort of a pre-Drakey story, but you don't have to read it to understand Drakey. This story is one of my weirder ones.

One Night in a Million A story about Darkwing before he met either Launchpad or Gosalyn.

A Debt Owed I wrote this story in ten minutes, my quickest ever. A new theory of why Drake became Darkwing Duck.


Each link contains three songs. I just hear songs and think "Hey, wow, DW potential!" I know that everyone else manages to keep their lyrics to themselves, but I just can't resist!

Green Eyes, The Turning, Brave Boys and Girls The first three I ever wrote, and they get more original as they go.

The Steve Grace Three Three songs taken from ones by Steve Grace.

The Drakey Files

These stories are basically background, and explain how Drakey and I go so far back.

How I got stuck with Drakey The story behind the duck and how he got here.

How I Lost Drakey The story behind the duck, and how he left here.

The Quackettes

An Old Friend, An Older Friend, And A New Beginning How the Quackettes came into being.

Better The Devil You Know Our first adventure ever recorded! I am aware of the anti-climax, and I'm sorry.


It's sort of mushy, memory stuff. I guess you have to be a fan to appreciate this. The times may not match with those in the series, but I don't like the idea of Darkwing being forty when he meets the others, thirty is bad enough.

Past and Present Launchpad's been snooping. Read his diary

Flashbacks Darkwing takes a trip into his past, and it isn't much fun.

Knowledge Gosalyn knows both sides of the story.

Waiting The last story in this series, amazingly with no flashbacks.

The Young And The Plotless

Just 'One Nighters' with less point. I write these when I get a really ridiculous idea and I'm bored. You were warned.

Mallard Place What was meant to be a sort of Darkwing soap opera, kinda got out of hand...If you are in this story (and if you are a close friend you probably are) I'm sorry.

Season Finale This one at least doesn't embarrass anyone by using their characters. Me and Disney don't count. A really senseless Darkwing Duck-Mighty Ducks crossover, with poor Gosalyn in the thick of it.

Go to my Fiction page's sister page-Manderbug's Fiction Aww, we're all one big happy family!

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