Welcome to BETWEEN the Frames! New Header img coming soon!

A Page under Regular Reconstruction!
Run by Sassy the Telepathic Dachshund!!!
Neith is just the typist scribe and channeller!!!

Grrrowl - A Warning for the faint hearted and retrovictorian wimp fan! This page is for the sort of mature fans and any lurking pros who enjoy a good ROTFL! Alright? You were warned - your guide is Sassy (portrait donations welcome!) I'm a gloriously opinionated beast and just damn glorious so play close attention. Look into my deep dark eyes ... you will obey me ... What! You're immune to doxie hynotism! Go away! or just listen! Hmph.

What's New align=

April 2008 Two new Files

Visit March Madness and then read ALFRED! .

September 2007 An interview iwth Al*** P***y***th

Hello readers Today we're reporting form the Microchiropterid Cave just outside of Gothic City! Our interviewee is famous gentlemans' gentleman A. Penny****h.
"Good morning Ladies! Thank you for joining me for brunch. It's so good to be able to serve it to people who actually appreciate my cooking! Usually around here ... one places the food on the computer desk and watches it go cold and last night I served or rather wasted a perefectly excellent ..."

"Er moving on to the questions is it true you were some kind of spy or intelligence agent or adventurer before you became a butler?"

"Ladies let it suffice to say I was fully prepared by a variety of interesting experiences for my current position!"
"Is it true you're secretly a major shareholder in several corporations and could retire at any time?"
"You crept into my private study and read my stock portfolio didnt you? I enjoy managing events and people from behind the throne and we'll leave it at that shall we?"
"Would you like to us about your new business?

"Alfco has recently expanded into childminding services! Do you have a special child who needs protecting and nuturing? Contact AP! And ... oh dear young Helena is crying again ...those wretched editors transferred her mother to a mini series! excuse me the interview is over ... there there Helena Foster Granpop is coming!"

July 2007

Your humble scribe is at home with the flu. I believe Sassy and Goldie may have gone to the Sand Diego Comic con. Hopefully not the one in this universe as I have just received the following images as postcards.
ONE. A guy looking a lot like Black Adam but wearing Black biker leathers and a beard being removed by security from a panel. There's a word balloon with the text. Attempt 32 to get the DC editors NOT to retro me back into being a villian.
Postcard 2. Goldie having a screaming fit at the concierge desk cos they refused to tell her where Alex Ross was hiding. She's trying to get him to do her portrait. AGAIN.
Postcard 3. Xander and Kayara in a convention hallway pretending to be themselves. If you went to San Diego and saw anyone with an uncanny likeness to Xander and Kayara well ... ?

July 2007 Were Care Bears

Another short piece of silliness!

We return to Little Annies' House over in that fictionality that has a Werewolf and several other characters sorrily in need of therapy.
Little Annie's Lounge Room. She and Mikey Green eyes are in conversation with a middle aged maternal looking woman ...
"So you're moving to St. Louis and you're a therapist and a were? What kind of were are you? Wolf Bear? Dog?"< br /> Richly Angsted strolls in and starts sniffing.
"Why do I smell apple pie and cinnamon? Back to the angst! Oh Annie why cant we be alooone ... just you and me ... "
Some nameless minor character snickers and recites a list "...and Jean Cutey and Ashblonde and Naughtee-el and ...
"Oh Dear let me demonstrate my special powers on him!"
The smell of cinnamon and spice and all things nice intensifies into a rich cloud surrounding our characters and filling the room. When it lifts Our Were is revealed as a giant Care Teddy Bear wearing an apron with the words embroidered "Worlds Best Mom Sub and Therapist!" Richard promptly hops onto her ample lap and proceeds to quietly whisper his woes into her delicate tiny fuzzy ears instead of his usual routine of howling screaming and sulking!

Annie and Mikey Green eyes look at her and Richly Angsted and at each other and both reach for their phones.

"Oh Naughttee-el, Jean-Cutey, Ash Blonde, you must come over and meet the new were in Town !"

2007 More BoPping ... well sort of! Sassy and Goldie attempted to interview the Not So Secret Six Minus One

Xmas 2006 Special - Featuring Xander and Kayara! and that Goullawk!

Read about Xander and Kayara's B I I I G Lovecraftian Xmas Adventure!

November 2006

Our 100th Issue gift to BoP fans in which Sassy and Goldie surprise someone. Enjoy BoPping!

July 2006

Two new items featuring members of the Luthier Clan. I'll just say this is my response to a certain comic book company's "Definite Crisis". Woo now we can blame all the mistakes on temporal ripples! Visit "Lexville" and then watch as we do the same thing as a certain company, recycle unused and abused characters and turn "Alex" into "Xander"! . Enjoy!

March 2006

Another Portrait of Guess who? or a close rellie anyway ...

Sassy maybe

Our new "reports" are Junior Pros Meet Your New Consultant ! the Dawllawk! and there's also a visit to "Freedom Pastures" in which our wierd lil' creatures meet some other strange neurotic beings from a certain comic strip! Finally we have the Anime Horror Show. Enjoy!

2006 Most of what was previously on this page is moving to an archives section Sassy Gate - the Archives which still needs some more editing but wander thru anyway!

Portraits - first the Divine Miss "C" - a.k.a Sassy
portrait of miss c Excuse the use of a blur filter! Sassy's identity has to be protected as she's a member of the ruling family of a pocket dimension. Sassy is an abbreviation of her first name which is long and byzantine!

Ms. Gilda Dragonides - Goldie! Goldie feels she's entitled to a larger image cos she's not mentioned in the title gif! Even larger versions are available on request unless you plan to use them for target practice?

new portrait of goldie

Who are Sassy and Goldie?

A Brief note on Sassy and Goldie. They are or may not be either - take your pick - a) visiting aliens b) imaginary friends c) stress induced hallucinations. Whatever! Just bear this in mind when they come out to play! They're Characters! Just play along with them!

A Reminder

The point of this page is to criticize fannish and pro foibles including mine own - any self deprecatory remarks are not mere posing. By foibles I mean folly, and include stereotypical behaviour including interaction between fans and fandom as a whole and pros, stereotypes about characters, other cliches,and if anyone insists on reading personal insults into that please check the dictionary definition of satire and parody! If you're been heard to say "satire isnt NIIICE" or think doing parody or parody means the author "hates" a character you probably shouldnt scroll down further? I dont hate anyone however there are a few individuals out there in fandom and certain pros too whose behaviour has not impressed me ... if you want the details email me. EXPECT TO BE TEASED!

If you know or run a satire or humor sites please share the url with us - we will reciprocate and list yours here IF and ONLY IF you mention us on your site? Also let us know if you change servers! I plan to spend less time on Sassy Gate cos I'm working on designing graphics for new titles for the WHOLE website and adding css2 and xhtml to it and I'm working on two novels .

A note on Dachshunds and their Character!

Dachshunds: the typist for this page was owned by a Dachsie for 17 years! No surprise?
Dachshunds ... not a lap dog ... tough courageous, and active, affectionate, clever, very self confident ... in general extremely self-willed ... inventive in finding ways to avoid obeying commands, ... a treasure, endowed with a great sense of humor, amazing daring, and absolutely loyal!"

These quotes come from an English translation of Charakter Hunde 1999 Katharina von der Leyen - the English version is called Barron's Illustrated Guide to Dog Breeds ... and worth reading cos there are spots in the translation where you suspect the author was trying to express a pun in German? If you do look up the book be warned the European Author is one of those experts who seem to believe AKC standards are dumbing down certain breeds!

Serious Stuff - if you support animal charities you might want to take a look at the Almost Home Dachshund Rescue Site. We welcome suggestions for links to other animal charities but would prefer they are dachsie related - training for therapy pets perhaps?

Please Consider supporting my expenses for running this site - Geocities may be free but I pay for the broadband connection! - any surplus funds will be tithed to charity!
Also consider Emailing Me or Signing the Guest Book


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