"And a small child shall lead them..."
†Ethan's House†
Hall of Angels



Please meet the children in the Hall of Angels at Ethans House. We try to display a new child every two weeks, and we hope you will honor us by meeting them and their parents and allowing us to honor your child in return. A picture is appreciated but not required. Please contact Allie, Director of Ethans House, to have your child honored here.
Webmaster's note: Sadly, due to extended load times, all Midi's(music files) have been removed from these pages.

Today we invite
you to meet our Angel...

Tyler Daniel

child angel

~~Updated 09-03-00



Joseph Ramon Ethan Merrill Sammy
Ethan Joseph Justin Christopher
Shelby Ann Tony Sydnie Clair
Jason Zachary Kierston
Andrew Peter James-Alan C.J.
Andrew Tyler Allysia Heather Marie
Anthony Alec Kaila
Richard Rhys Brianna
Teresa Kevin Johnathon Ray
Keith Gauge Hunter

Copyright 1997-99 Ethans House, Inc.
