1 Catholic Catechism, Rev. W. Faerber/Imprimatur, Joseph E. Ritter, S.T.D., Archbishop of St. Louis, Feb. 28, 1958 - page 23 Return
2 What Catholics Believe, Rev. Lawrence G. Lovasik, S.V.D./Imprimatur, John Mark Gannon, D.D., D.C.L., LL.D., Bishop of Erie - page 33 Return
3 What Catholics Believe, Rev. Lawrence G. Lovasik, S.V.D./Imprimatur, John Mark Gannon, D.D., D.C.L., LL.D., Bishop of Erie - page 4 Return
4 Council of Trent, 4th Session, Decree Concerning the Edition and Use of the Sacred Books. Return
5 The Bible in the Church - Bruce Vawter, C. M./Imprimatur, Richard Cardinal Cushing, Archbishop of Boston - page 18-19 Return
6 The Bible in the Church - Bruce Vawter, C. M./Imprimatur, Richard Cardinal Cushing, Archbishop of Boston - page 20 Return
7 The Bible in the Church - Bruce Vawter, C. M./Imprimatur, Richard Cardinal Cushing, Archbishop of Boston - page 42 Return
8 The Bible in the Church - Bruce Vawter, C. M./Imprimatur, Richard Cardinal Cushing, Archbishop of Boston - page 42 and 43 [footnote - The Faith of the Bible, Harmondsworth:Penguin Books, 1957, p.189.] Return
9 The Bible in the Church - Bruce Vawter, C. M./Imprimatur, Richard Cardinal Cushing, Archbishop of Boston - page 54 Return
10 The Bible in the Church - Bruce Vawter, C. M./Imprimatur, Richard Cardinal Cushing, Archbishop of Boston - page 60 Return
11 The Bible in the Church - Bruce Vawter, C. M./Imprimatur, Richard Cardinal Cushing, Archbishop of Boston - page 61 Return
12 The Bible in the Church - Bruce Vawter, C. M./Imprimatur, Richard Cardinal Cushing, Archbishop of Boston - page 62 Return
13 The Bible in the Church - Bruce Vawter, C. M./Imprimatur, Richard Cardinal Cushing, Archbishop of Boston - page 73 Return
14 The Bible in the Church - Bruce Vawter, C. M./Imprimatur, Richard Cardinal Cushing, Archbishop of Boston - page 83 Return
15 Is There Salvation Outside the Catholic Church?, Fr. J. Bainvel, S.J./Imprimatur STI Ludovici, Die 6 JunII, 1917, Joannes J. Glennon, Archiepiscopus STI. Ludovici - page 9 Return
16 Council of Trent, 6th Session, Chapter XVI, Can. 12 Return
17 Council of Trent, 6th Session, Chapter XI, The Observance of the Commandments and the Necessity and Possibility Thereof Return
18 Council of Trent, 7th Session, Decree Concerning the Sacraments Return
19 Council of Trent, 6th Session, Chapter XVI, Can. 9 Return
20 Council of Trent, 6th Session, Chapter XVI, Can. 24 Return
21 Council of Trent, 6th Session Chapter XI, The Observance of the Commandments and the Necessity and Possibility Thereof Return
22 Council of Trent, 6th Session, Chapter XVI, Can. 20 Return
23 Catholic Catechism, Rev. W. Faerber/Imprimatur, Joseph E. Ritter, S.T.D., Archbishop of St. Louis, Feb. 28, 1958 - page 23 Return
24 What Catholics Believe, Rev. Lawrence G. Lovasik, S.V.D./Imprimatur, John Mark Gannon, D.D., D.C.L., LL.D., Bishop of Erie - page 33 Return
25 Council of Trent, 14th Session, Chapter III, Can. 14 Return
26 Council of Trent, 6th Session, Chapter XVI, Can. 15 Return
27 Council of Trent, 6th Session, Chapter XII, Rash Presumption of Predestination is to Be Avoided Return
28 Council of Trent, 6th Session, Chapter XVI, Can. 25 Return
29 True Catholic Web Site: http://www.truecatholic.org/protbibletexts.htm Return

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