Senior Soccer League
5/13/04 Meeting Minutes Senior Soccer League Attendees: Lenny Bedoya (Cal Gold), Louie Duran (Pending Team), Laszlo Fekete (Orange CW), Italo Furlan (Milan), Udo Helferich (League President), Glen Hutcheson (Avanti), Ader Khattab (International), Ard Keuilian (Phoenix), Bob Mazenauer (Treasurer), Jeff Rowe (Belmont), Ramon Sandoval (Capote), Richard Shirey (Rovers) Copies
to: Attendees, Team Managers Discussions/Reports 1. League dues are $150 for each team due by 6/15/04 2. The existing field at Edgar will not be playable from 6/18/04 to 8/18/04 while it is being refurbished. The Saturday and Sunday leagues are providing money and some manpower while the city is providing equipment and manpower. 2.1. Lenny Bedoya is trying to secure another field with goal posts 2.1.1. If no other field is secured then the field (53 yards x 110 yards) where the over 60 players are playing will be used with portable goals (provided by Roger). The 1st teams of the day will put them up; the last teams of the day will take them down. 3. The league end of the year tournament will be played from 5/22 thru 6/19. See tournament schedule for details. 4. Summer schedule will have team-arranged friendlies on 6/26, 7/3, 7/24 and 9/4. A summer schedule will be created for all other Saturdays up to 9/11 when the first game of the new season begins. 4.1. The summer season allows teams to borrow other registered players to fill out their team. As always playing your own teams players is encouraged. 5. Louie Duran submitted a field to meet the requirement for his team to join the league. The team managers determined the cost was too high and Louie has renewed his search for another field. If Louie submits an acceptable field by 6/26/04 then his team will be included in the summer schedule. 6. Edgar school rejected SSLs request for use of their bathrooms. Conclusions/Decisions Actions: Future
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