Senior Soccer League
Attendees: Neil Carman (Rovers), Milton Daley (Cal Gold), Ana DiSanzo (Registrar), Italo Furlan (Milan), Rod Gallardy (Inca), Glen Hutcheson (Avanti), Ard Keuilian (League President), Ader Khattab (International), George Kovacs (OCF.C.), Miguel Mastrangelo (Capote), George Mezheg (Phoenix), Jeff Rowe (Belmont), Richard Shirey (Rovers), 1. Bob Mazenauer was out of town and left a financial report that showed September 2004 thru August 2005 income was $183 less than expenses. Action: Bob to provide answer to Richard why Field Maintenance expenses increased by $1000 in 2005 over 2004. 2. The team managers accepted the schedule thru 12/10/05. Update to the team manager list was requested and inputs from Avanti, Capote and Inca were received. 3. A motion to change the league player age to 50 and older was defeated 6 to 4. Only players born 1954 or earlier are eligible to play. 4. A confrontation between Capote and Cal Gold players and managers occurred 7/30/05 (?). Action: Capote and Cal Gold team managers must submit written description of the incident to Ader, Trail Board Chairman, by 10/1/05. 5. Ana reaffirmed the registration procedures: 5.1. Complete the ID form. Name, birthday, and signature. Driver license numbers will no longer be entered on the ID. 5.2. Provide two ¾ square pictures for 1st time registerees. Not needed for transfers. 5.3. Transferees need to provide their old ID when applying for the new ID. If no ID is available, then the receiving manager must submit a written explanation for the lost ID. 5.4. Fees are $25 for transferees and $5 for new players. 5.5. Self addressed stamped envelope to return ID to the team manager. 5.6. Mail registration forms and money to: Ana DiSanzo, 1770 N. Community Drive, #101, Anaheim, CA 92806 5.7. Players wishing to have a new ID without their drivers license number on the ID, submit $5 and picture to Ana requesting a new ID. 6. By Laws and Rules were provided to the team managers. Action: Each manager to review and provide updates to Richard Shirey. 7. Ard requested that end times for games never be listed greater than 15 minutes before the next game. This only affects the summer when we play at Katella. Conclusions/Decisions Actions: 1. Bob to provide answer to Richard why Field Maintenance expenses increased by $1000 in 2005 over 2004. 2. Capote and Cal Gold team managers must submit written description of the incident to Ader, Trail Board Chairman, by 10/1/05. 3. Each manager to review ByLaws/Rules and provide updates to Richard Shirey Future
Business 1. When will a tournament be scheduled to replace the one not held last June? (Italo) 2. Schedule only 4 games per Saturday, which results in two teams with byes, to enable games to have 45-minute halves. |