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March - 1998

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March 23

Gosh I feel like a kid in a candy store, finally having my computer back is great. A lot has gone on in the month that I have been down. Mom is doing pretty well. She has been having her ups and downs as usual, without much deviation from her 'NORM' except, that her mind seems to tire alot faster now. Her length of confusion is lasting much longer now and seems to come on much more rapid than a few weeks ago. She forgets that she has eaten and demands that I feed her, this causes indigestion, which leads to her thinking that she has something terribly wrong, other times she thinks she just had a full meal and won't eat again. She is sleeping alot more also, her awake periods last for three to four hours, during which time she is totally sedentary. Her moods swings are generally less combative in nature now, but still aggressive. Her doctor has said this is normal in late stage. My brother is still with me, he is getting an apartment in town on the 15th, my friend Hollie is moving in, not with me, but renting an out-building that he is converting into a studio apartment, my flowers are growing as are my weeds and all of the puppies are gone!! I think I may survive, heck, I know I will! I have my computer back.....

March 24
Today was pretty uneventful. Mom woke up at 10:30am but didn't get out of bed until 4:00pm. She was in a good mood but very confused. She had traveled in her sleep again and was in awe that she had gotten this far, thankful to be home again. She was very upset that she had missed all the meals, but greatful that I was willing to fix her dinner anyway, boy did she pack it away. She didn't go to bed until 11:30pm but did sleep in the chair most of the time. I spent the day getting my programs back on and responding to some of the mail I have waiting. I have added two more pages to the Sharing and Caring list as a result, there are now 95 people listd. GREAT.

March 25
Mom was about the same today. She had her coffee, toast and banana at 11:00am, went right back to sleep and stayed sleeping until 5:15pm. She ate her dinner and dozed off in the chair, off/on, until 11:30pm then she went to bed. Before when she was doing this I thought it was from her medication making her sleep so much but, she is on so little now that it couldn't be the medicine. She has an appointment for her six month check up April 16, with a new doctor as hers retired in January. Hopefully this one will be open to trying new things. My friend Steve, that had diabetes and stomach cancer passed away Feb 25th. I was able to be with them during the night hours before he went. His wife Kathy was so strong during this time, I pray that God continues to provide her strenght. My friend Joyce's brother Don is doing better with his cancer fight, seems the chemo is working. Joyce also just found out that her husbands step-dad has colon cancer, another fight.

March 26
Today was a yucky day. Mom was in a BAD mood all day, she was awake but refused to get up. She thought she was in a nursing home and was mad because 'they' took her buzzer away so she pounded on the wall every 15 minutes for absolutely nothing. I tried explaining to her that she has home but she thought I was lieing to her, she couldn't understand how I could do this to her and let 'them' treat her this way. She finally got up at 7:30pm, only because my grand-daughter Jaide went in to see her and mom thought they were here to visit her so she had to go to the day room. She no more than got out there but what Jaide had to go home because it was a school night, this made mom even madder, it was just a ploy to get her up. She snoozed off and on all night, but her mood never did change, she went to bed at 2:30 this morning, still angry and mean.

March 27


As I have said, I had 342 e-mails waiting for me when I was able to come back online. I have been using every spare minute since Tuesday answering them, in the order they were received, I am sorry it is taking me so long. For those of you that are being patient I truely thank you, I know how it is to want information about this disease and have to wait.

For those of you that think I will answer you more quickly if you write me a rude e-mail, you are WRONG. All of these type e-mails will be deleted and unanswered. This is site is here to share with others that are going through the same thing and as a release for me. My mother is my number one priority, when time permits I attend to this site, my chat rooms and e-mails. I know those of you that are caring for a loved one understand what time limits are, may I suggest to you others that you learn what they are NOW, before taking on this task. Again, All of these type e-mails will be deleted and unanswered.

March 28
Mom has been doing o.k. the past couple days. She is still staying in bed but at least she is awake a bit more often and much more pleasant, which is better than I can say for myself. I have some personal junk going on right now and it has me in a rotten, disappointed and befuddled mood, oh well... Mom's fluid intake is down pretty far but she doesn't want anything, she wants coffee(not good) and some water but won't drink any juices. I have been giving her alot of jello, which she loves. Her urine is very strong and her output is low, except for her bowels which keep right on going and going and going...SMILE. I will be glad when she gets her check-up.

March 29
Today was a good day. Danny was home so he was able to watch out for mom so that I could do yard work. Mom even got up at 2:00pm and has been fine. I think she is passing this stage again. It felt good to be outside, helped me get my mind off things for awhile, although I ache like h--l tonight. I had my grand-daughters for the evening too, they got their Easter gifts from me early. I got them Reading Rabbit programs and we played them tonight.

March 30
Today was a very laid back day, none of us feel real good, allergies or the start of colds. Mom decided to stay in bed again today, she did have me put on her t.v. so she could watch some shows. She stayed awake but didn't get up until nearly 7:00pm and went back to bed at 11:30pm. The girls were up again too, we played and did the computer. Jaide is going to be 8 on the 9th but she acts so much older, I think there is a little sear hidden in her.

March 31

I guess it was wishful thignking on my part that mom was passing this stage of sleeping all the time. She stayed in bed again today, didn't get up until 5:20pm and went back to bed at 11:00pm, she didn't even want to watch the news. I am hoping that the doctor says it has soemthing to do with her iron level, then we can supplement it. I give her B12 shots every month and multi-vitamins everyday. I will be glad when the weather begins staying nice instead of cold and raining, then we can try to go places again, maybe she'tt get up then.

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