The Big Picture
Let's answer two basic questions.
- 1) What is a hard or floppy drive?
- A drive is the storage area for your computer.
- 2) What will I find there?
- It stores the operating systems (Windows/DOS), all installed programs files, and any items you create and save using them.
The easiest way to picture a drive is to compare it to a closet full of boxes. The closet represents the drive. The boxes are the folders, holding all the files needed to run your computer. When you open the closet, you can see most of the boxes, but not what's in them. When you are at a prompt, you are at the opened door of the closet. Just as you could pick a box from the closet, and open it, you can use the cd and dir commands to select (cd) a box (folder) on the drive, and then open it and look (dir) at what's inside (files / more folders).
It's a good habit to keep programs stored in seperate boxes (folder). This helps keep the closet, and a drive, neat and organized. It will be important when you need to find that needle in the haystack file.
One Pill Makes You Larger...
There is one BIG difference in my comparison of a closet and a drive.
You need to thinks of yourself as Alice (you know the one...), and you just took a pill that made you smaller. Now you need to think of the cd command as your transporter device, and the dir command as your magic looking glass.
Unlike, selecting a box from the closet and looking inside, when you select a folder, you symbolically, jumped inside the box and closed the lid! You can't see anything outside of the box you are in without using special command options!
So you are basically inside your drive, using the cd command to jump from box to box (folder to folder), and the dir command to look at the information there.
Try not to get lost...Data recovery is very expensive!