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Popes Apology

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Few of you would know the extent of my condemnation of the catholic church.

Kath may have a clue if she were intelligent enough to understand what I tried to say to her when I sent her a copy of an article that I had recently read entitled ‘Germany and the Vatican THE FOURTH REICH IN DISGUISE"

This little outpouring has been spurred on after watching SBS news and hearing that the pope had made a public apology for the last 2000 years of actions by the Catholic church or the Roman empire.

A new book has been published which describes the various apologies of Pope John Paul II. "When a Pope Asks Forgiveness" by Luigi Accattoli was published in Italy earlier this year and is scheduled to be available elsewhere in January (Pauline Books and Media, Boston, MA).

I was recently browsing idly on the web (http//www.whidbey.net/~dcloud/fbns/popeapology.htm) and found a few points of view on the Popes apology. For now I want to point

out a comment made in a review of the book which appeared in Our Sunday Visitor, Dec. 14, 1997.

After stating the various things for which the pope has apologised, the Catholic reviewer emphasised the following important truth:

"And, contrary to the way events have been reported, the Pope, in seeking forgiveness for certain decisions and actions in the past, is not admitting that the Church was wrong on the bigger historical and theological issues involved, such as those of the Protestant schism or the earlier schism with the Orthodox Church" (Erminia Santangelo, "The Courage of Contrition," Our Sunday Visitor, Dec. 14, 1997).

Ecumenists are excited about the papal apologies, for they see that this is making the way of "reconciliation" easier. The head of the World Council of Churches, for example, said that the papal "repentance" could "solve our past controversies."

No doubt this is true from an ecumenical standpoint, but from a biblical perspective the apologies of this pope are almost meaningless. The pope is not apologising for the papal claim to be the head of all churches or for Rome’s claim to be the one true church of Christ. He has not apologised for Rome’s heresies and idolatries, such as the dogmas of the mass, Mary, and purgatory. He has not apologised for creating false dogmas of the priesthood, the saints, and Mary, which have blasphemously thrust fallible human mediators between the One Mediator and His people.

Rome’s path is strewn with immorality and horror precisely because of her false claims and unscriptural dogmas. She has forbidden her "pastors" to marry, contrary to the command of God in the Scriptures (1 Timothy 3:2; 4:1-3). Predictably, the result of this crime has been fornication and homosexuality.(Ed’s note: "Not that there is anything wrong with that")

She has claimed to be the one true church with authority over all the saints, yea, even over the nations.

Predictably, the result was the fearful Inquisition which ceased in the 18th century only when Rome no longer had the political strength to proceed. The seeds of the Inquisition lie in Rome’s haughty and illegal claims, and the potential for Inquisition will not cease until Rome gives up her claims. According to the Bible, this will not happen until she is destroyed (Revelation 17).

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