Personal Details
My Resume
Skill Sets
Employment History
Strengths and Weaknesses
My Diary
Paradise Lost
Paradise Regained
Part I - Purgatory 1923 to 1956 and August 1956 to July 1997 |
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- 1978 - Age 22
- The company collapsed and I was left with about $200. I packed my belongings
into my bag and took a bus to the central bus station in Perth. I then got a bus
to Sydney. I arrived with $20. I went to the YMCA and got a room with a crippled
old man who was staggeringly rich but liked to stay in the city. I got a job
which allowed me the same freedom to work the hours I wanted. So I did. 16,17,18
hours six and seven days a week.
- Eventually I found an apartment in Stanmore and moved in. It was partially
furnished, so I had a table, a chair and a bed. Still the urges and the needs
assailed me. I kept quiet and stayed away from people at the office and just did
my job. I was asked to parties a few times, but each time it seemed I was being
setup with girls by the other girls at the office. So I stopped going. I spoke
to one of the ladies at the office and told her that I really appreciated the
thought and I knew they thought they were helping me, but it wasn't. It was
making my life hell. I said I wasn't gay, but I wasn't straight either. I was
stuck in some other place and they just couldn't help.
- My sister came over from Perth and we lived together. It was a lot of fun,
but I had to start hiding my clothes again and dressing in secret. I just
couldn't tell her.