Demolishing Back Porch/Bathroom

July 2005
Aug 2005
Nov 2005
Jan 2006
Feb 2006
May 2006
July 2006
Aug 2006
Oct 2006
Back Porch
Pecan Tree
Kitchen 1
Kitchen 2
Kitchen 3
Dig Footers
Build Foundation
Filling an Antique Septic Tank
Floor Joists
Framing Day 1
Framing Day 2
Framing Day 3
Framing Day 4
New windows
Sewer Line
Water Line
West Wall
East Wall
South Wall-West Gable
Front Door
New East Wall
New West Wall
New North Wall
Last New Wall
Front Porch

The first priority was to remove the porch that had been added after the back porch had been converted to a bathroom.

Back porch floor rotted away.

Back door threshold completely disintegrated.

The "Georgia tractor" (our 1-ton Chevy truck) being used to pull out the studs holding the porch roof.

The roof refused to fall even after all the porch supports had been removed.

Removing the wall that had been added near 1900 enclosing the original back porch.

The original back wall of the house. The left window had been converted to a bathroom door.

Lowering the 19.5 foot back porch beam. The door to the left of the ladder is an original door at the end of the central hall. The door to the right of the ladder was added when the kitchen was moved indoors.