Hey mein direktor Cameron, mayhaps I can play Spiderman in the movie?

Real Name: Kurt Wagner

Powers: Nightcrawler can teleport long distances, and has a unique body structure. He has blue skin, a tail, and two fingers and a thumb on each hand and foot. Due to this, he can stick to walls, and is a naturaly great acrobat.

Significant reletives: Mystique (Raven Darkholm, mother) Graydon Creed (Half-brother).

Kurt Wagner was born of Mystique and one of her affairs. She dumped him off at some Gypsy camp. It was there he meet Amanda Sefton, someone who would become his closest friend. However, since Kurt was an obvious mutant (and looked like a demon, to boot), he decided to seclude himself, but joined a travling circus soon thereafter.

Kurt eventualy settled in a German town, which unfortunatly though he was a demon. Thankfully, Xavier stopped the lynch mob, and asked Kurt to join his new team of X-Men. "Nightcrawler" happily obliged, and along with Wolverine, Storm, Sunfire, Banshee, Thunderbird, and Colossus, he helped rescue the origional X-Men, who were being held captive by the mutant island Krakoa.

Nightcrawler stayed with the team for a long time, making friends with Wolverine, Colosus and eventualy Shadowcat. However, years later, when the Mutant Massacre occured, he, shadowcat, and Racheal Summers-Pheonix were severly wounded, and had to go to Muir Isle for treatment. There, the three hooked up with Captain Brittain, Megan, and Amanda Sefton to from EXCALIBER!

Hey Mystique, are you sure Wolverine is not mein father?

However, things never went smooth over there. Eventualy, Captain Brittain was sucked into a dimensional portal, Megan became catatonic, Amanda came and left at her leisure, and it was a big mess. So Nightcrawler took the initiative, moved the team to Muir Isle, and became leader. This lasted roughly about a year in continuity, though. Excalibre recently dissbanded, and Nightcrawler, along with Colosus and Shadowcat, joined the X-Men durring a fight with some evil "X-Men". The three joined the team to help find Charles Xavier. After that, who knows?...

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Archangel | Banshee | Beast | Bishop | Cable | Cannonball | Colossus | Cyclops | Gambit | Iceman | Jubilee | Nightcrawler | Pheonix (Jean Grey) | Professor X | Psylocke | Rogue | Shadowcat | Storm | Wolverine | Dr.Reyes, Maggott, Marrow |