Index with First Lines
Aftermath You cling tight, desperate to breathe me |
Doors Open, Doors Close Does one door close first |
Till Death Do Us Part I remember the cloth diapers |
Dying Well I spend much of my time watching people |
Feeling Down I've been wondering where you've been |
The Grand Machine You sit with the stare of a deer |
Holes We Needed Filled I was what you needed |
If, Then Reason If my words can touch you |
Inabsolute You ask me if I'm yours |
Irony I listen to the wind |
It's My Job My typical day in security work |
Kiss Me Goodbye I wonder how the goodbye will go down |
Kodak Moments Stop right there, right now, hold still |
My Little Woman, Listen My little woman, daughter, friend |
Long Trip Home Just sit still |
Over-Rated Love is over-rated, I think |
Over You You are serene, and non-chalaunt |
Passionate I am passionate about silence |
Preacher Booker's Smile Preacher Booker's wife died a tragic death |
Purgatory There is a certain pathos in an esplanade |
Real Life If we could've kept it all together |
Short-Term Memory I've always been a long-term person |
Both Sides of the Sun She couldn't speak anything of love |
Sitting On E I now believe that there comes a time |
Solitudes It looked quite like rain this morning |
Someone Else's Shoes I woke up in the middle of the night |
An Art to Standing Still There is an art to standing still |
Still Here God, I can't believe that I'm still here |
What They Call "The Life" So this is what they call "the life" |
We Aren't The Ones You came home, not saying anything |
Universe Crumbling It must be hard to be a statue |
Battlefields I woke up this morning, wondering |