Akumal & Villas DeRosa

We just returned from our 2nd trip to the Yucatan with Connie LoRe. We have known Connie for 4 years and had heard great things about Connie LoRe's Akumal trips. Many of our friends have stayed at the DeRosa's and dove with Aquatech. Villas DeRosa is really a cavediving oasis. Everything is only steps away and it could not have been more convenient. Connie could organize an army and she did every day. All of our dives were perfectly suited to each of the different divers and their skill levels. Connie went out of her way to accommodate everyone's needs and wishes. The food was outstanding and the dive center had everything needed for cave diving. We even managed to squeeze in time to see the Mayan ruins in Tulum.
Unfortunately, Delta airlines lost our luggage including the underwater housings for the camcorder and my digital camera. We were unable to take photos of Mayan Blue this year. Fortunately, Connie and Nancy DeRosa were able to get us rigged for the dives so we did get to dive just not take video. Our group this year included Jim Chaudoir, Eddie Powell, Tim Lewis, Jan Sitchin and Wilson Angerson. We dove the following cave systems: Mayan Blue, Aktun Koh, NoHoch Nah Chich, Dos Ojos, Temple of Doom, Minotauro, Grande Cenote and the Cuzan Nah circuit, Calimba traverse exiting at Grande Cenote, Vaca Ha, and this year we scheduled a photo session with Steve Gerrard which was shot in Sac Actun while doing the Much's Maze circuit via Paso de Lagarto.
The photos below are from our 2000 Akumal trip.


Courtyard to dive shop


our room


Beach outside of Condos looking south

Beach outside of Condos looking north

Mexico Cave Links

Tulum Ruins
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NoHoch Nah Chich
Dos Ojos Upstream
Dos Ojos Traverse to Monolitho
Temple of Doom
Sac Actun
Calimba traverse to Grande Cenote
Aktun Koh
Steve Gerrard Photo Shoot at Sac Actun

Florida Cave Diving Links

Devil's Ear & Eye
Jackson Blue
Madison Blue
Pot Spring
Telford Spring
Bathtub Spring
Cow Spring
Peacock Springs, Olsen Sink, Orange Grove Spring & Challange Sink
Thunder Hole
Cathedral Canyon & Falmouth Spring
Suwannee Blue Spring
Little River Spring
Edwards Spring & Suwannacoochee Spring
Jugg Hole


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