Select cavern or cave dive plan by clicking
the appropriate zone button.

Cathedral Canyon and
Falmouth Cave System

Cathedral Canyon is a privately owned sink in the Cathedral Falmouth cave system. There is an upstream passage with depths to 200ft and a downstream passage with depths at 135ft. The passages average 80ft wide and 25ft and more in height. This a 6 mile trunk system with a low flow and low visibility. Falmouth Spring is a county park off of Hwy 90 outside of Live Oak, Florida. Falmouth Spring has a slough which runs about 100 yards above the ground before going back underground at downstream Falmouth Syphon. On the upstream side of Falmouth, going almost 1000ft, the next sink is Aquarius Sink. Continuing upstream, Jewel Sink is an offset sink and then farther upstream is Cathedral Canyon.
At the November 10, 2002 CDS Board of Directors meeting, Board members voted to require anyone diving CDS owned sites to be a member of the NSS-CDS. This affects anyone diving Cathedral Sink. The new rule went into effect January 1, 2003. Divers will need to check-in at Bill Rennaker's Dive Excursions in Luraville and sign liability waivers and show proof of CDS membership.

Cathedral Canyon Sink
Cathedral Canyon Sink
Sheck Exley once owned and lived on this
property and considered it one of his
favorite cave dive sites in Florida.

Falmouth Spring
Falmouth Spring
View of the Falmouth Spring basin.
There are wooden walkways and platforms
making the spring more accessible.

Falmouth Spring
Falmouth Spring
The distance upstream to Aquarius Sink
is almost 1000ft. From Aquarius Sink going
upstream, View of the Falmouth Spring basin.

Cathedral downstream
Cathedral downstream
Delicate edges on the rocks can
crumble off in your hands. This
formation should not be used for pulling.

Cathedral downstream
Cathedral downstream
Silt dusting on the walls.

Cathedral downstream
Cathedral downstream
Small pieces of black geothite.

Cathedral Sink
Cathedral Sink at 30 feet
Black geothite at depth of 30ft
seen during deco.

WARNING: Cave Diving is dangerous and requires
extensive training and experience. Do Not Enter
Caves until properly trained by a certified agency.

Florida Cave Links

Devil's Ear & Eye
Jackson Blue
Madison Blue
Pot Spring
Cow Spring
Bathtub Spring
Peacock Springs, Olsen Sink,Orange Grove Spring & Challange Sink
Little River
Thunder Hole
Telford Spring
Suwannee Blue Spring
Edwards Spring & Suwannacoochee Spring
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Mexico Cave Links

Akumal & Villas DeRosa
Tulum Ruins
NoHoch Nah Chich
Temple of Doom
Dos Ojos
Dos Ojos Traverse
Calimba Traverse
Sac Actun
Vaca Ha
Aktun Koh
Steve Gerrard Photo Session at Sac Actun

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