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Cow Spring

Cow Spring is an offset spring of the Suwannee River. The spring is on private property on the north side of the river and is located close to Running Springs. Cow Spring has an upstream and downstream passages. The spring basin is one of the prettiest dive sites in the state. The upstream passages of Cow are spectacular and has beautiful and delicate clay banks. The downstream or syphon at Cow is low and penetration on back mount is limited to about 300ft. The flow at Cow is normally higher than the surrounding spring systems which should be considered in the dive plan. However, currently the flow is down quite a bit. This cave is known for it's crystal clear visibility. Upstream Cow Spring is an advanced cave dive and an Abe Davis is required to dive this site. If you decide to dive Cow, please protect this cave by using perfect bouyancy techniques.
At the November 10, 2002 CDS Board of Directors meeting, Board members voted to require anyone diving CDS owned sites to be a member of the NSS-CDS. This affects Cow Spring. An exception was made for students with NSS-CDS Instructors during training dives as allowed in Cow. The new rule went into effect January 1, 2003. Divers will need to check-in at Bill Rennaker's Dive Excursions in Luraville and sign liability waivers as well as show proof of membership to CDS.

Cow Spring
Cow Spring
Cow Spring has an unusual entrance. The corkscrew
upstream entrance is somewhat of a restriction but
the cave is pristine and has minor damage in
comparison to the more popular cave systems.

Upstream Cow Exit restriction
Exit Restriction of Upstream Cow
Looking down into the area between
the first and second entrance
restrictions of Upstream Cow.

Upstream Cow 2nd restriction
Upstream Cow
The 2nd restriction area

Upstream Cow
Upstream Cow
After the 2nd restriction the
passage opens up quite a bit.

Billy in Upstream Cow

Upstream Cow
Upstream Cow
Main line passage

Upstream Cow
Upstream Cow
The passage has a few inclines
where the passage has to go over
breakdown. Remember, the breakdown
used to be part of the ceiling.

Clay bank in Cow Spring Cave
Clay Bank
The clay banks in upstream Cow are magnificent.
Thousands of years of formation can be wiped
out with one careless fin stroke or handprint.

Clay bank in Cow Spring Cave
Clay Bank
My favorite clay bank.

Clay bank in Cow Spring Cave
Clay Bank
Nature's gifts to cave divers.

Clay bank in Cow Spring Cave
Clay Bank
Each of these clay banks are on the main line.

Clay bank in Cow Spring Cave
Clay Bank
Another clay bank makes this dive worth
every effort.

Clay bank in Cow Spring Cave
Clay Bank
The camera does not do justice to the
different colors in this clay bank.

Jan in Cow

View of basin from exit
Exit View of Upstream Cow
View of the basin from the exit

WARNING: Cave Diving is dangerous and requires
extensive training and experience. Do NOT Enter
Caves until properly trained by a certified agency.

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