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Quick Tips

To bypass your startup files:

For Windows 3.x, press

when you see
'Loading MS-DOS...'
(This will go to a DOS prompt).

For Windows 95, press

when you see
'Starting Windows 95...'
(This brings up the Start Menu).


Tips Index
MS-DOS Win 3.xx Win 95 Internet


Windows 95 Miscellaneous
Peak Your System Performance
Your Computer Expertise


|| Tips Index || WIN 95: Memory | Registry | Boot | Treasure | Navigation | Customize | Safe Mode | Misc

Setting Environments for DOS Programs

To improve the way DOS programs run from inside Windows 95, modify the properties of the PIF or BAT file that starts the DOS application.

You do this by locating the file in either 'My Computer' or 'Explorer', then right-click the icon and select 'Properties'.

To increase the environment space, click on the 'Memory' tab, and select a new value for the 'Initial Environment'. The recommended size for most programs is 1024.

Settings, Settings, and More Settings!

While you have the settings window open, look around at the other options.

You can have the program run in full screen mode, instead of in a window.

You can select a new icon, get rid of that ugly DOS one.

You can control the fonts for non-graphical DOS programs.

Don't change too many things at once! Some of the other controls, which I haven't mentioned, may have an adverse effect on the program. Or may not allow you to even start it!

Windows 95's 'Start' Command

Some new commands were added to DOS with Windows 95. The 'Start' command can be used in batch files to start DOS or Windows programs from the batch file.

A friend wanted to start an AOL timer utility, every time AOL started, without having to manually do it. Enter the 'Start' command! I was able to write a simple 2 line batch file to do the job.

It goes like this:
Filename: myaol.bat

@Echo off
start timer.exe
start c:\aol30\waol.exe

Now I created a shortcut on his Desktop pointing to 'myaol.bat' file. Double click it and you're off and running!

That's it!

If you think about it, I'm sure you'll find a way to use this new and powerful command.


. . . I n t e r l o p e r s W e b s p a c e