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Dictionary of Argentine Expressions



























Cabecita Negra: Disparagingly, dark skinned person

Cabrón: Bad-tempered person

Cabulero: Superstitious person

Cachafaz: Scoundrel, rogue

Cachar: To joke about someone. Mock. Pull other person’s leg

Cachete: Cheek. Also refers to each gluteus (buttocks)

Cachetada: Slap in the face

Cachiflower: Vagina (vulgar expression)

Cachiporra: Small club or truncheon, used by criminals and/or policemen

Cachivache: Piece of junk

Cacho, un: A bit, a little

Cacho: Male nickname, used for several names, specially Carlos

Cachorro: Baby animal, cub, kitten, puppy, etc.

Cachucha: Vagina (vulgar expression)

Cachuzo: Broken, worn, ramshackle, rickety

Caco: Thief

Cadete: Office boy. Employee in charge of minor tasks (going to the bank, photocopying, preparing coffee, delivering things and              messages, etc)

Caer: 1) Arrive; 2) Understand something

Cafetera: Besides coffeepot, it refers to any old and rackety vehicle

Cafiolo: Pimp

Cafishio: Pimp

Cafúa: Jail

Cagada: Mistake or disloyalty. Vulgar expression, as all words belonging to this "family"

Cagadera: Diarrhea. Vulgar expression

Cagar: Besides meaning "to shit", it means bother, annoy, betray, cheat. Vulgar expression

Cagar a pedos: Criticize violently. Vulgar expression

Cagar fuego: Die. Vulgar expression

Cagar la fruta: Spoil something. Vulgar expression

Cagarse: To be scared. Vulgar expression

Cagarse de...: De frío (cold), de hambre (hunger), de miedo (fear), de risa (laughter). Experiment any of these feelings intensely.                         Vulgar expression

Cagazo: Fear. Vulgar expression

Cagón: Coward. Vulgar expression

Caído del catre: Naïf

Cajeta: Vagina. Vulgar expression

Cajetilla: Dandy

Calado a alguien, tener: To know well

Calar: To know what kind of person someone is

Calavera: Person who enjoys night life and partying

Calcomanía: Sticker

Calentarse: 1) Get angry; 2) Be turned on sexually, to get horny

Calentón: Easily angered or excited person

Calesita: Carrousel, merry-go-round

Caliente: Angry or turned on, horny

Calle: Experience

Calor: Embarrassment

Calzar: Carry a weapon

Calzoncillo: Male underwear, shorts, underpants

Cambalache: Secondhand shop. Rarely used word, name of a prophetic tango by Enrique Santos Discépolo about the 20th. century,                      written in the thirties

Camelo: Lie

Camorra: Fight, row. The word is related to Neapolitan Mafia clandestine groups, which were very aggressive

Camorrero: Troublemaker

Camote: Obsessive love for someone

Campera: Jacket, informal warm coat

Cana: Police, policeman (slang)

Canalla: Rosario Central soccer team fan

Cancha: 1) Sports field; 2) Skills or experience

Cancherear: Offensive boasting about own skills or capacities

Canchero: Skilled, experienced

¡Canejo!: Gaucho exclamation, equivalent to ¡carajo!

Canilla: 1) Tap; 2) Shinbone

Canillita: Newspaper street vendor

Cantar las cuarenta: Give someone a piece of one’s mind

Cantina: Restaurant specialized in Italian food. Used nowadays for cheap restaurant

Canto rodado: Rolling stone. Used in the construction industry

Canyengue: "Arrabalero" (typical of the suburbs) way of dancing or singing the tango

Cañita voladora: A certain sort of firework. It is a "projectile" similar to a small rocket, tied to a stick. The whole set is inserted into a                  bottle or hole, which is used as a propeller

Caño: Pipe (hollow cylinder). By extension, used in soccer to name the situation in which a player makes the ball pass between the                  rival’s legs, which is very humiliating

Capanga: Authoritarian boss

Capaz que: Maybe

Capo: The one who gives the orders, main boss

Carapintada: Seditious or rebel military man

Cara rota: Shameless person

Caradura: Hypocrite, impertinent, shameless person

¡Carajo!: One of the most popular exclamations, similar to "Shit!"

¡Caramba!: Goodness me! (surprise)

Carambola: Billiards move in which the balls are hit. Usually considered to be due to good luck. See "de carambola"

Carburar: Think thoroughly and clearly

Carcamán: Old person (derogatory)

Careta: False and superficial person

Caretear: Youthful term. To pretend to be what one is not; false, superficial attitude

Cargada: Joke, taunt

Cargar: Mock someone

Cargosear: Pester

Carlitos: Toasted ham and cheese sandwich, in thin white bread with no crust

Carne y uña: (Literally, flesh and nail) Popular metaphor for two inseparable people; to be hand in glove

Carpa: Secrecy, concealment

Cartón/Cartonazo: Fool, naïf

Cascote: Rubble. By extension, someone slow

Casorio: Wedding (slang)

Catramina: Any old and rackety vehicle

Catrasca: Clumsy person. Short version of "cagada tras cagada" (tras: after)

Catrera: Bed (slang)

Cazar: 1) Get an idea, understand; 2) Catch, get hold of

Cebar mate: Prepare mate. Action consisting in heating the water, putting yerba in the mate, pour water into it and serve it to others

Chabomba: Panties. It is "bombacha" "al vesre"

Chabón: Any male person

Chacota: Fun, party

Cháchara: To speak a lot without saying anything

Chacra: Farm

Chaleco: Any sleeveless garment, vest, waistcoat

Chambón: Fool, naïve

Champú: Snobbish manner to name the champagne

Chamuyo: Unclear way of speaking, generally trying to obtain something from the other person

Chancha: Old fashioned vehicle, very large

Chanchada: Something very badly done, very dirty or very vulgar

Chancho: Pig. By extension, dirty or vulgar person

Chanchullo: Dirty business. Shady deal

Chancleta: 1) Slippers (slang); 2) Woman (slang)

Chanfle: In soccer, manner of kicking the ball for it to develop a curved path

Changa: Provisional job, generally underpaid

Changador: Porter, person carrying passengers’ luggage at a transport terminal

Changarín: Porter, person carrying passengers’ luggage at a transport terminal

Chango: Youth, boy (used in the North of Argentina)

Changuito: Cart to carry products purchased at a supermarket

Chanta: Inmoral. Person who wants to show he’s more than he really is. Scoundrel

Chapa: To have "chapa" means to be recognized, have a name and reputation

Charango: Twelve string instrument. Similar to the guitar, but smaller. Its box is built with the mulita (see "mulita")

Charco: Figuratively, the River Plate

Charlar: To chat, to talk

Chata: 1) Woman with very small breasts, flat chested woman; 2) Truck, with a flat trailer

Chasco: 1) Disappointment; 2) Practical joke

Chasqui: Messenger

Chau: Bye

Chaucha: Green bean

Che: Informal interjection to call another person

Chegusán: Sandwich "al vesre"

Che pibe: Apprentice who carries out menial tasks

Cheto: Snob who enjoys uses which are fashionable for a superior socioeconomic class

Chicana: In car races, bend and counter-bend to reduce the cars’ speed. By extension, any way in which to delay a sentence in a lawsuit, a vote in congress, etc.

Chicato: Shortsighted. Derived from the Italian word "cegato"

Chiche: Toy (childish expression)

Chichipío: Person with no experience in something, but who claims to have it

Chichón: Bump (due to a blow)

Chichonear: Practice any kind of soft sexual little game

Chicle: Chewing gum. Derived from a commercial brand

Chiflado: Crazy, mad person

Chiflar: 1) Whistle; 2) To call someone (slang)

Chiflete: Draught coming in through a badly shut window

Chillar: Yell. Sound with a strident noise

Chimento: Gossip

Chimichurri: Spicy home-made dressing with garlic as it main ingredient, which generally accompanies the barbecue

China: Gaucho woman

Chinchón: Popular card game

Chinchulín: Cow’s intestines. It is eaten grilled. See "achuras"

Chinelas: Slippers

Chingar: To err, to miss

Chirimbolo: Any small object

Chiquilín: Little boy

Chirolas: Cents (slang), Insignificant amount of something

Chisme: Gossip

Chispa: Mental quickness for humour, ingenuity

Chitrulo: Derogatory term to name another person

Chiva: Beard (slang)

Chivar: Sweat, perspire

Chivarse: To get angry

Chivita: Goatee beard, also called "barba candado" (literally, padlock beard), due to its shape, covering only the chin

Chivo: 1) Sweat; 2) Undercover advertising of a product in TV or the movies

Chocho: 1) Very happy; 2) When applied to an elderly person, it means "senile" (slang, but not vulgar as it is in Spain)

Choclo: Sweet corn

Cholulo: Person who is very interested in everything the famous people do and say, and knows everything about it

Chomba: T-shirt with collar and buttons

Chorear: Steal, rob (slang)

Choripán: Chorizo sandwich

Chorizo: Similar to a sausage, generally made with pork and spices. The same as with laws, it’s better not to know how they are made. Do not mistake with "bife de chorizo", which is one of the most appreciated beef parts

Chorro: Thief

Choto: 1) Penis; 2) (adj.) Bad, low quality. Vulgar expression

Chucho de frío: Shiver

Chueco: Person with bow legs

¡Chúmbale!: Exercise practiced with a dog, throwing a stick and waiting for him to bring it back

Chumbo: Revolver, gun, pistol

Chupado: 1) Arrested by the police or the Army with no judge order; 2) Driver or cyclist who, in order to save his efforts, chases another vehicle very close in order to take advantage of the suction; 3) Drunk

Chupame un huevo: Vulgar derogatory phrase

Chupar: Drink alcohol

Chupate esta mandarina: Be surprise by this I am telling you

Chupete: 1) Pacifier (for babies); 2) Nickname for Fernando De La Rúa, Argentine ex president, because when he first started in politics he was very young

Chupetín: Lollipop

Chupi: Alcoholic beverages in general

Churrasco: Boneless steak. It is eaten "a la plancha"

Churro: 1) A popular lard "factura" type; 2) A beauty, a pretty girl, a good looking guy (old fashioned term)

Chusma: Gossiper, scandalmonger

Cinchar: Work hard (activity and word practically out of use)

Ciruja: Person who lives on the garbage thrown away by others. Generally, they ride carts, or push barrow to gather this rubbish

Clavar: Sexually penetrate (vulgar expression)

Clavar a alguien: Stand someone up

Clavo: Something undesirable which is obtained or received

Clericó: Fruit punch. Beverage prepared with white wine and fruits

Cobrar: 1) Be punished; 2) In soccer, sanction foul play

Coche: Car

Cochera: Covered parking lot

Cochería: Undertaker’s

Cocinar: In a calculation, or sport, arrange a result in order to obtain what one desires

Cocinero: Number five

Coco: Head (slang)

Coger: To have sexual intercourse

Cogote: Neck

Cogotudo: High class person (derogatory term)

Coima: Bribe

Cola: 1) Ass, buttocks; 2) Queue of people waiting to be served, or for a bus, etc.; 3) Movie trailer

Cola de paja: Feeling of guilt (slang)

Colarse: Enter a place without paying or without having been invited, or slip into an incorrect place in a queue

Colcha: Bedspread

Colectivo: Bus; passenger public transport within the same city

Colgado: 1) That has no one to go out with; 2) Absentminded

Colgar: 1) Leave to its own devices; 2) Hang up the phone

Colifa: Crazy, nuts (person)

Colifato: Crazy, nuts (person)

Colimba: Military service. Origin: "corre, limpia, barre" (run, clean, sweep)

Colita de Cuadril: One of the parts of the cow which is eaten roasted or grilled.

Comba: In soccer, curve described by the ball in the air

Combi: Van

Comedor: (Literally, dining-room) Teeth

Comerse algo: Omit something

Comerse la galletita: Practice passive homosexuality. Vulgar expression

Comerse un garrón: Having to accept an undesired situation

Comérsela: Practice passive homosexuality

Cometa: Bribe

¿Cómo?: Affirmative and almost obvious answer to a question. Much used by teenagers.
             E.g.: - Shall we go dancing tonight? -¿Cómo?

Como chanchos: Close friends

Como el culo: Badly. Vulgar expression

Como la mona: Badly, poorly

Compadre: Relationship between two people, in which one is godfather to the other one’s son

Compadrito: Boastful and quarrelsome man (old fashioned, hardly used word)

Compinche: Buddy, accomplice

Computadora: Computer

Con la fusta bajo el brazo: Literally, "with the riding whip under the arm", referring to a jockey winning a race without demanding     much from the horse. By extension, it is a metaphor meaning that something is easily achieved

Concha: Vagina (vulgar expression). It is also used as an insult

Concheto: Snobbish person who uses fashionable things belonging to a higher social and economical class

Confitería: 1) Bakery, bread shop; 2) Café, bar, coffee shop

Consolador: Vibrator (for sexual pleasure)

Conventillo: Low class tenement house

Copado: 1) Be very enthusiastic about or attracted to something or someone; 2) Taken by storm

Copar: 1) To cause a very good sensation; 2) To take by storm

Coparse: Become very enthusiastic about something or somebody

Cordón: Curb

Cornalito: Small fish which is fried to be eaten as an entrée. It is caught by means of a "medio mundo"

Corpiño: Bra, soutien

Corredor: Travelling salesman

Correr la liebre: To suffer privation (slang)

Cortado: A cup of coffee with a drop of milk

Cortar el rostro: Answer curtly, show contempt, or cut short

Cortarse solo: Act independently

Costillas de cerdo: Pork chops

Cotorro: Flat paid for by a man to have a lover living there

Coso: Word which replaces someone’s or something’s name

Coya (also "kolla" or "colla"): Native from the Bolivian, North Argentina and East Peru High Plateau ("Altiplano"). In Buenos Aires, their women generally sell vegetables in the street, and are usually chased by the police, since they have no documents

Crepar: Die (slang)

Cretino: SOB, jerk

Croqueta: 1) Croquette, fried ball of any amassed food; 2) Brain

Croto: Poor person

Crucero: 1) Big yacht used for a cruise; 2) Ship travelling holiday

Cuadra: Block, extension between two parallel streets, of approximately 100 meters

Cuadrado: Ignorant and slow person

Cuadro: Soccer team

Cualquier verdura: Anything, nonsense

¿Cuánto sale?: How much is it? (price)

Cuarta: Rigid iron bar used to tow another vehicle

Cuarto: Bedroom

Cucha: Kennel. By extension, small house

Cuco: Bogey man

Cucurucho: Edible cone in which ice creams are helped

Cucuzza: Head

Cuerear: Criticize someone who is absent

Cuero: Skin

Cuero, sacar el: Criticize someone who is absent

Cuervo: San Lorenzo soccer team fan

Cuida: Person who is excessively protective of another one of the opposite sex

Cuiqui: Fear

Culear: To fuck (as vulgar as in English)

Culo y calzón: Popular metaphor to refer to two inseparable persons. Vulgar expression

Culo: Besides ass, it also means to have good luck

Cumplir: To do the minimum necessary to comply with some duty

Cuneta: Narrow ditch at street intersections for the rain water to run

Cuña: Influence to obtain something. See "palanca"

Cura: Priest

Curandero: Person who "cures" with domestic methods. Very used by ignorant people

Curar: To cure, to recover from some illness

Curda: Drunkenness, drunkard

Currar: Steal, swindle, deceive

Curro: Fraud, deceit. Dishonest job

Curtir: Youthful term meaning to have sex with someone

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