Dictionary of Argentine Expressions
F Factura: Baked or fried sweet pastry. Generally it is eaten for breakfast or tea Facultad: College Fainá: Baked chick-pea pie, which is generally served with pizza Fajar: Punish, give someone a beating Falluto: Untrustworthy, deceitful person Falopa: Drug. By extension, low quality item Fanfarrón: Show-off Fangote: A lot of something Farolero: Someone who makes a lot of fuss Farra: Partying Faso: Cigarette Fato: Secret love affaire, dubious matter Fechoría: Crime Fenómeno: OK Feto: (Literally, fetus) Ugly person Fiaca: Laziness Fiambre: 1) Cold cuts; 2) Corpse (slang) Fichar: Look at, stare at someone Fideo: 1) Spaghetti, noodles; 2) Penis (vulgar expression) Fierro: Revolver, pistol, gun Fifar: Have sexual intercourse (vulgar expression) Fifí: Fearful, excessively cautious or neat Fija: When a participant is a favourite in the horse races. By extension, it is used when something is very likely to happen Fijarse: Pay special attention to something Filo: Informal engagement Filtrado: Tired (slang) Fino: Elegant, of high level Fiolo: Pimp. Derives from "cafiolo", and as in many others, the first syllable is omitted Firulete: Arabesque Fisure: Hangover of drug taking or drunkenness. Generally it is accompanied of depression Flaco: Any guy Fletar: Dismiss, send away r Fórmica: Agglomerate wood plate covered in melamine. Originally it was a commercial brand Forro: 1) Condom. Also used as an insult (adjective); 2) Cover of a workbook to preserve it Fósforo: Match (light) Franco: Day off at work Franchute: French (slang) Franela: Pawing, fondling Franelear: Fondling with someone of the opposite sex Frazada: Blanket Fresco: 1) Cold ; 2) Sober Fresco y batata: Local dessert consisting of a piece of cream cheese and a piece of sweet potato preserve. Also called "el postre del vigilante" (the policemans dessert) Frula: Cocaine (slang) Frutilla: Strawberry Fuegos artificiales: (Literally, artificial fires) Fireworks Fuelles: Lungs (slang) Fugazzetta: A variety of pizza, stuffed with melted cheese and covered with onion Fulero: Ugly Fullero: Cheating gambler Fulo: Angry Funca: That works Fundirse: 1) Go bankrupt; 2) Become physically exhausted Funebrero: Chacarita Juniors soccer team fan Funyi: Hat used by the old tango singers or dancers, as Gardel. Derives from the Italian work meaning "mushroom" (related to the hats shape) Furcio: Slip of the tongue or mistake by a speaker Fusilado: 1) Very tired; 2) Very drunk Inicio | Diccionario | Ejemplos | Particularidades | Apodos | Frases célebres | Futbolísticos | Chistes |