Dictionary of Argentine Expressions
E Echar un polvo: Ejaculate. Come (sexually speaking) El Gráfico: Traditional weekly sports magazine. Embalado: Very enthusiastic about something Embarullar: Muddle, mix up Embocar: Hit (the target), hit the mark Embole: Boredom Embromar: Harm someone Empacho: Indigestion Empanada: Typical Argentine dish. Similar to a Mexican taco, but folded in two and sealed. Can be stuffed with minced meat and onion, chicken, ham and cheese, tuna, etc. There are similar varieties according to the region or province: salteña, tucumana, sanjuanina, etc. Empaquetar: Deceive Empardar: To equal, to tie, to draw Empilchado: Dressed (slang) Encanar: Put in prison, imprison Encima: Besides En bolas: 1) Naked, in the nude; 2) Unaware or unknowing of a certain situation En cana: In prison En cuero: Bare from the waist up En dos patadas: Quickly, right away En negro: Unofficial, "under the counter". Can refer to the way in which salaries are invoiced or paid (without declaring them before the Tax Collecting Office) En pedo: Drunk. Vulgar expression En rojo: Debit balance (slang) Enculado: Angry, pissed off Enganchar: 1) Get. Can be applied to a new job, a girl/boy friend, a friend, etc; 2) Connect Engancharse: Get involved in something. Connect oneself with something or someone Engrupido: Haughty Engrupir: Deceive Ensalada mixta: (Literally, mixed salad) Lettuce, tomato and onion salad Ensalada rusa: Potato, sweet peas and carrot salad, with mayonnaise Ensartarse: To err, to make a mistake Enterrar la batata: (Literally, to bury the sweet potato) Have sexual intercourse (vulgar expression) Entrada: Ticket for a show (entertainment, or sports) Entrar: 1) Start to (slang); 2) Be deceived Entregá el marrón: Very vulgar expression. It means "give me your ass", "let me f you in the ass" Entrevero: Mess, confusion Enyetar: Bring bad luck Escabio: Alcoholic beverage Escolaso: Gamble (for money) Escombros: Rubble (construction) Escrachar: To show someone up, to reveal something (generally secret) about somebody Escruchante: Pickpocket Espamento: Fuss, extravagant behaviour Especial: Ham and cheese sandwich Esperpento: Ugly woman Estación de Servicio: Service station (gas sale, lubrication, tire pumping, etc.) Estacionar: To park a vehicle Estar al tanto: Be aware of Estar copado: Like something very much, be very enthusiastic about something Estar de la cabeza: Originally, it meant to be under the effects of some hallucinogenic substance. Now it has been extended to being nuts or crazy (both literally or figuratively) Estar de la nuca: Equivalent to "estar de la cabeza" Estar en banda: 1) To be disoriented; 2) To be alone Estar en bolas: 1) To be naked; 2) To be totally unaware of something, to have no knowledge at all about something. Vulgar expression Estar en la lona: To be in a poor condition, either economically or related to the persons mood Estar tapado: To have a lot of work to do Estirar la pata: Die Estofado: 1) Boiled beef, generally with onion and tomato sauce; 2) Doubtful affair Estrafalario: Eccentric Estrolarse: To crash Inicio | Diccionario | Ejemplos | Particularidades | Apodos | Frases célebres | Futbolísticos | Chistes |