Cub Scout Logo Baltimore Area Council U S Flag National Pike District Boy Scouts of America

Pack 606's Electronic Scrapbook

Keep the OUTING in Scouting

  Laurel Independence Day Parade - July 1, 2000
  We Remember - May 2000
  Bridging - April 2000
car.gif (6225 bytes) Pinewood Derby Classic - March 11, 2000
Burger Scouting For Food - February/March 2000
uscglogo.gif (2981 bytes) USCG Taney Sleep Over - February 18, 2000
Cub Scout Logo Blue and Gold Banquet/Cake Bake - February 6, 2000
Happy 2000 Holiday and Millennium Events
Compass Fall Camping - September 1999
US Flag Laurel Independence Day Parade - July 4, 1999
sun Cub Scout Day Camp - June 1999
US Flag We Remember - May 28, 1999
Compass Spring Camping - April 30 - May 2, 1999
Star Bridging Ceremony - April 25, 1999
car.gif (6225 bytes) Pinewood Derby Classic - March 13, 1999
Burger Scouting for Food - March 1999
Cub Scout Logo Blue and Gold Banquet - February 28, 1999
God and Me Medal God and Me Award - February 21, 1999
Den 1 Plays Drums
ani-exclaim.gif (1256 bytes) Den 1 Visits College Park Aviation Museum -
December 6, 1998
UMPD Den 1 Visits University of Maryland Police Department -
November 5, 1998
Internet Scout Patch Internet Scouting - November 1, 1998
Compass Fall Camping Trip - October 2-4, 1998
Baseball Player Bowie Baysox - August 22, 1998
sun Cub Scout Day Camp - July 6-10, 1998
US Flag Laurel Independence Day Parade - July 4, 1998
Natonal Pike Logo Round Table - June 8, 1998:  Pack 606 has earned the National Pike District's Cub Scout Round Table Attendance Award. The award is given to Packs who regularly attend the monthly 'round table' meeting in support of Cub Scouting.
US Flag "We Remember" - May 22, 1998
Compass Spring Camping Trip - May 15, 1998
Star Bridging Ceremony - April 26, 1998
Wow! Scouting for Food - Spring 1998

Updated 7/21/2000

Keeping the OUTING in Scouting

Pack Members and Leaders: The entries in the scrapbook are in reverse chronological order by the date of the event.   To add to this scrapbook or comment on errors, omissions, or other concerns, please Contact Pack 606 webmaster or give hardcopy to Ron or Martha McNeil.

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