Britney Spears. Today's hottest pop phenom. On the outside, she seems to be a button-cute,
wholesome All-American sweetheart. But the world will never know what kind of power drives
her fame and fortune......until now......
Updates on June 29, 1999:
IT'S FINISHED!! Evil Rebirth: An Anti-Britney Spears Crossover Fic is now complete. Scenes 12, the Final Battle, Epilogue and Credits are all up. Also, a new theme song for the website called "Gotta Hit Her Now" in the Site Stuff section (the section formerly known as "Important Stuff").
SITE STUFF: Gotta Hit Her Now: Website Theme Song Black And Blue: A song dedicated to teenyboppers Pants On Fire: A Rant To Anti-Site Owners: BACK UP YOUR SITE!