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By Author

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Title: All The Way
Author: Ginomo
Description: A vignette of action based on Jadzia's favorite song, "All the Way."

Title: Alternate Tears
Author: ziggy
Rating: PG-13
Story description: An alternate ending to "Tears of the Prophets" involving the alternate universe.

Title: As Much As Love Asks
Author: Diane Bellomo
Rating: G
Summary: A Worf/Dax (mostly Dax) story, set after "Change of Heart" that outlines events leading up to Dax's announcement in Quark's that she and Worf have decided to have a baby.


Title: batlh Daqawlu'taH
Author: Carrie
Rating: PG
Description: "You will be remembered with honor" is the translation of this title. Q reunites W&J, but...

Title: Beloved One
Author: Seven of Nine
Rating: PG
Description: Worf's worst nightmares come true...

Title: Blessings of the Prophets
Author: Noelle Morrow
Rating: PG
Description: This is my rewrite of "Tears of the Prophets." It isn't like any of the others...


Title: Candle in the Wind
Author: Naomi
Description: Everyone on DS9 mourns for Jadzia... Based on the Elton John Song

Title: Change in Circumstances, A
Author: Christopher L. Estep
Rating: PG-13
Description: A request by Gowron forces Worf, Jadzia, Quark and Grilka to make changes in their lives.

Title: Change in Destiny, A
Author: Maria Nomad
Rating: PG-13
Description: [none provided].

Title:Choices We Made, The
Author: Noelle Morrow
Rating: PG-13
Description: This story is NOT for those still stuck on seeing Julian with Dax. She and Julian are married, but Jadzia is begining to have feelings for someone else.

Title: Colors
Author: Liz Logan
Rating: PG
Brief description: Worf remembers Jadzia by doing something she loved.

Title: Confrontation, The
Author: Rob Morris
Rating: PG
Brief description: Deanna Troi and Jadzia Dax face off.

Title: Coping
Author: Trillgirl
Rating: PG-13
Descriptions: Following Jadzia's death, Worf makes a decision that will change his life forever.


Title: Dance, The
Author: Naomi
Description: Worf grieves for Jadzia... Based on the Garth Brooks song of the same name...

Title: Day Off, A
Author: Seema
Description:Worf must choose between spending his day off with Dax or repairing the Defiant.

Title: The Dream Journal
Author: Robin
Rating: PG
Description: After returning from captivity on-board the Breen ship, Ezri Dax applies her counselor's skills to her own feelings for Julian Bashir.


Title: Enterprise- E
Author: Noelle Morrow
Rating: PG
Story Description: Captain Picard tries to convince Worf to take his old post, but something, or someone is keeping him on DS9.

Title: Epiphany
Author: Seema
Description:Dax comes to a startling conclusion. Set just before "Looking for Par'Mach in all the Wrong Places."

Title: Eulogy
Author: Naomi
Description: Worf takes hope from his memories of his beloved... This tells the whole W&J story from Worf's perspective...

Title: Everything's Gonna be Alright
Author: Mel Domingo
Rating: G
Story Description: Worf mourns Jadzia's death not knowing that she'll always be right be his side. It's based on the song, "Everything's Gonna be Alright" by Sweetbox.


Title: For My Parmach'Kai Part One Part Two Part Three
Author: Trillgirl
Rating: PG-13
Brief Description: Worf is sent on a mission that fits in perfectly with his plans, but runs into some trouble along the way.


Title: Gifts of the Prophets, The Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four
Author: S Wong
Rating: PG-13
Description: An alternative version of "Tears of the Prophets," using season 7 episodes as a guide.


Title: Hands of the Prophets, The
Author: Seema
Description:An alternative version of "Tears of the Prophets."

Title: Heart of a Warrior, Body of a Ship
Author: Maria Nomad
Description: AU fic/

Title: Home
Author: Noelle Morrow
Rating: PG
Description: Deanna Troi pays a visit to DS9 after Jadzia's death and Worf must decide where he belongs.

Title: An Honorable Contest [Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3] [Part 4] [Part 5] [Part 6]
Author:Victoria Meredith
Description:Damar challenges Worf to a drinking contest in order to defend the honor of Cardassia. Set prior to "In Purgatory's Shadow". (Note: Dukat and his crew were wearing Klingon sashes, insignias, pins and such during the episode, "Apocalypse Rising".) .


Title: I Can't Help Myself
Author: Emallia
Rating: G
Description: None provided

Title: I'll Be Back
Author: Kata
Rating: G
Description: Jadzia leaves Deep Space Nine

Title: I'll Be There
Author: Carrie
Rating: G
Description: A first for me, writing inspired by lyrics. Worf leaves DS9 only to be drawn back to the place Jadzia was attacked. Only then can he find closure.

Title:Immortal Beloved
Description:This is a very sad, romantic fan fiction, about the kind of love that crosses all boundaries: even death!

Title: In Retrospect
Author: Mel Domingo
Rating: G
Description: A disconcerted Ezri recounts Jadzia's final moments.

Title: In the Wake of the Fire
Author: Trillgirl
Rating: PG-13
Description: A coda to "Change of Heart."

Title:Introductions and Reunions
Rating: PG-13
Story Description: It is Ezri Dax's zihantara (the Trill ritual where the current host gets to meet all the past hosts) and Worf talks to Jadzia...




Title: Last Thoughts
Author: Seven of Nine
Rating: PG
Brief Description: Jadzia's thoughts in "Tears of the Prophets"

Title: Leaving
Author: Parmoo
Rating: G
Description: Jadzia bids Deep Space Nine a tearful farewell.

Title: Letting Go
Author: Seema
Rating: G
Description: Set at the conclusion of "What You Leave Behind," Worf prepares to leave Deep Space Nine.


Title: Marrying Jadzia
Author: Seema
Rating: PG
Description: A retelling of "You're Cordially Invited" from Worf's point-of-view.

Title: My Heart Will Go On.
Author: Naomi
Rating: PG
Description: (Written before Ezri) Dax's new host is still in love with Worf...


Title: Necessary Conversation, A
Author: Seema
Rating: G
Description: Two fanfic authors square off with The Powers That Be.

Title: New Host
Author: Noelle Morrow
Rating: PG
Description: Dax's next host, that's all I'll say.. (NOTE: This was written before the author knew anything about Dax's season 6 departure)


Title: On the Hush
Author: Jaz D Jordan
Description: Worf and Dax attempt to keep their new relationship a secret.

Title:Only in My Dreams, part I Part II Part III
Author: Mel Domingo
Description: Set before and during "Looking for Par'Mach," Worf and Dax experience strange dreams.

Title:The Other Side
Author: Noelle Morrow (Ginomo)
Description:This story is set shortly after Jadzia's death and before Ezri's arrival onto DS9. It is based on DS9 episodes "Through the Looking Glass" and "Shattered Mirror." This story has been updated with a new ending.

Title:Outsider, The
Rating: G
Description: Worf adjusts to his new assignment on Deep Space Nine


Title: The Points of View Series
Author: Ginomo
Rating: PG-13 (depending on the story)
Description: A Fan Fiction syled synopses of many of the key Worf and Jadzia episodes. It elaborates on scenes, and adds new and original ones, things the writes *should* have shown.


Title: Quiet Evening At Home, A
Author: Seema
Description:Worf and Dax spend some time together


Title: Random Thoughts at 2 A.M.
Author: Robin
Rating: G
Description: Worried thoughts of Ezri's whereabouts threaten to make Dr. Bashir into a world-class insomniac.

Title:Rapture of Love, The
Author: Jaz D Jordan
Rating: PG
Description: Jadzia and Worf's love for one another transcends time and space. It even conquers death.

Title: Re-assignment
Author: Noelle Morrow
Rating: PG
Story Description: Jadzia and Worf are preparing for a new assignment, when an even bigger responsibility arises

Title: Reckoning, The
Author: Sarah Dax
Rating: PG-13
Description: Set after "Our Man Bashir," Julian learns a lesson.

Title: Requiem
Author: Seema
Rating: G
Description: Worf says good-bye to Jadzia. An expansion on Jadzia's death scene in "Tears of the Prophets."

Title: Round Robin
Author: JEW:EL
Rating: G
Description: An alternate universe round robin story by the JEW:EL group. Email JEW:EL if you're interested in completing this story.

Title: Rush Hour on the Promenade
Author: Parmoo
Rating: G
Description: A vignette of action on Deep Space Nine.


Title: Sentimental Gesture, A
Author: Seema
Rating: PG-13
Description:A coda to "Soldiers of the Empire." Worf has a lot of explaining to do.

Title: Separation, Ending 1
Author: Noelle Morrow
Rating: PG-13
Description: My conclusion to "Call to Arms," and the Dominion war, it totally contradicts all season six episodes

Title: Separation, Ending 2
Author: Noelle Morrow
Rating: PG-13
Description: An alternate ending to "Separation." It won't make much sense if you don't read the first part.

Title: The Seventh Lifetime
Author: Seema
Rating: G
Description: Response to ASC challenge. Seven drabbles (100 words) about Jadzia. Set from 1st to 6th seasons.

Title: Shades of Gray and Blue
Author: Darrell W. Beach
Rating: G
Description: The doctor attempts to sort out his feelings after a newly- cured Sarina leaves the station.

Title: Snow
Author: Emallia
Rating: G
Description: None provided

Title: Someone to Watch Over Me
Author: Seema
Rating: G
Story Description: Vic Fontaine entertains Worf and Dax in the holodeck.

Title: Something in Common
Author: Seema
Rating: G
Story Description: Worf discovers that he has something in common with Sisko.

Title: Starting Over
Author: Ginomo
Rating: G
Story Description: Post series fic.

Title: Sunset
Author: Seema
Rating: PG
Story Description: t's the last night for the Defiant, and Worf and Dax have surprises for each other. Set on Gaia ("Children of Time"). Note: This link leads to Seema's site; hit your back button to return here

Title: Survival Mechanism
Author: Sara
Rating: PG-13
Story Description: Worf returns to DS9 and approaches Ezri about a painful subject.


Title: Take Me Back into the Arms I Love
Author: Mel Domingo
Story Description: Worf makes the ultimate sacrifice after Jadzia's death.

Title: Thoughts On A Lazy Afternoon
Author: Amy McNutt
Rating: PG
Description: An Ezri Dax story.

Title: Til Death (or Deanna) Do Us Part
Author: Noelle Morrow
Rating: PG
Story Description:The title says it all. I used to be a fan of Worf and Troi, I've even wrote FanFiction for the two of them. But when I saw him with Dax, that idea just faded away...

Title: Time Destined
Author: Carrie
Rating: PG
Description: In two timelines, one present, one future, lines are crossed and a skeptical and devoted Worf must go to Jadzia and forever change the history she's lived. Winner of the Crown of Erin 1999 for best Worf/Dax fanfic.

Title: Times of Despair [part I] [part II] [part III] [part IV] [part V] [part VI] [part VII] [part VIII]
Author: Trillgirl
Rating: PG-13
Description: With thoughts of Jadzia weighing heavily on his mind, Worf is captured by an eccentric cult of...who exactly are they? This is the sequel to "For My Parmach'Kai"

Title: To See You Again
Author: Seema
Description: An alternate universe story with a twist! Winner of the Crown of Erin 1998 for best Worf/Dax Fanfic.


Title: Undercurrent
Author: Jeff Jacques
Rating: PG
Description: Worf and O'Brien go on a hunt and get more than they bargained for.


Title: Voices
Author: Seema
Rating: G
Description: Ezri Dax deals with the aftermath of her joining.


Title: Waiting
Description:The crew of Deep Space Nine prepares for a new arrival.

Title: Worf's Drabble
Author:Michael Roy Hollihan
Description:Response to an ASC challenge.

Title:What Lies Ahead
Author: Noelle Morrow (Ginomo)
Description:This is the continuation of my story ?Blessings Of the Prophets,? which was my own version of the DS9 episode ?Tears of the Prophets.? In that story, Gul Dukat does not kill Jadzia. She and Worf are able to conceive a child. She is forced to leave the station and live on Bajor because of complications due to her pregnancy. This story takes place during the time of the series finale of DS9, ?What You Leave Behind.? This story picks up after Jadzia has been away from Deep Space Nine almost nine months, and war with the Dominion is still raging.

Title: Worf Feels Immense Pain
Author:Rob Morris
Description:A true warrior should know when to keep silent.




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