Alphabetical Index to Changes Web Pages: J-Z



Joshua, Judges, Samuel, Kings, Chronicles: God declares Israel, "Dumb-asses!"

Just couldn't resist, could you?

Just What Do You Mean... "Bubba"?

Just Thoughts (And Some "Just" Thoughts)

King Bubba and the Law

Lake of Fire, A Human Production?

Law, Prophets and The Writings

Laying on of Hands

Learning, (the destroyer of arrogance?)

Lies, Lying and Liars


Links to other places of interest

Living Prophets Society


'Mamas, Don't Let Your Babies Grow Up To Be Demons'

Molad of Nothing

Name of God

New Moon

No-Fault Religion

"Non-Holy" Holy Days?

"One" is the Number of Salvation


Oral Sins


Parable of the wise and foolish virgins

Perfection, is it possible?

"Preachers" and "Indians"

Prophets, Dead, Living, and Naked

Prophecy As a Career Choice

Prophecy--"Well Done"?, or Over-Done?

Prophets Presumed Phalse

Ram Bam, Bubba And "The Molad of Nothing"

Readers' Comments

Reasons for "Ministers" to Accept the Jewish Calendar in Observing Holy Days

Reasons To Reject The Jewish Calculated Calendar For Scheduling God's Holy Days

Religion: Dress codes, mind control, corporate control or "warm fuzzies"?

Religion is Like: Sports

Religion is Like: A Library

Religion is Like: Transportation

Religious Terminology

Repentance, How to Tell God That You're Sorry?

Rumor-Mongering: A Conspiracy of Fear

Ruth: Don't Count Your Barley Before The Gleaning

Sabbath Observance: Whose Rules Apply?


Sacred Names Arguments

Satan and Distraction

Scriptural Interpretation


Seminary, or Semen-ary?

Sheep Comics (humor) (offsite)


Site Index

So You Do Want To Live Forever?

So You Don't Want to Live Forever?

Song of Moses

Spitting Into The Wind, How to Provoke the Wrath of God

Study Guides

Symbolism and the Signs of the Times

"Tell them that "I AM" sent you!"

The Bible: A Matter of Life and Death

The Book of Cleatus

The Book of Satan

The Calendar, At A Glance

The "Calendar in the Bible", (This ain't Rocket Science!)

The Calendar On Your Wall

The Doctrine of Perfection

The Ex-Files (For Those Who Are "Ex-Members")

The First Epistles of Bubba the Phishbite to the Usa-ians and Them-alonians

The Future of Time

The Hall of Prophets (Who in the Hall is a Prophet?)

The Jewish History of the "Jewish Calendar", Part 1

The Jewish History of the "Jewish Calendar", Part 2

"The Matrix" and Divine Truth

The Most Scandalous Prophet

The Schedule of God's Feast Days

The Shepherd's Moon (Recognizing God's Holy Days)

The Song of Moses

The Whole Sin Catalog

The World Wide Church of God You Never Knew: "Another" World Wide Church of God

"These Are My Feasts . . ." Lev. 23:2

Things To Do While Waiting For Christ To Return

This Ain't Your Momma's Religion!

Top 20 Reasons A True Prophet of God Would Be Stoned Today

Topic Guides

Tower Of Babel Bible College Application Form (humor)



Turning Christ "Right Side Up"

Understanding The "Oil" Of The Ten Virgins

Understanding The "Oil" of the Ten Virgins, Reader's Comments

Understanding The "Oil" Of The Ten Virgins, Some Additional Responses

Understanding The "Oil" Of The "Five Virgins", The Response to Frank Nelte's Article

"Unholy" Holy Days?


Waiting For Christ To Return

Welcome To The Ex-Files

What Are The Oracles?

What is a Bubba?

What is a Church?

What is God's Will for Us?

What is His Name, The Arguments for and against using Hebrew names for God

What is the "New Moon"? (Recognizing God's Holy Days)

What is the "Work Of God"?

What Religion is the Best Religion? (humor)

What is a "Spiritual Person"?

Whirlwind Tours (offsite)

Why "Changes" ?

Why Ex-Files? (Especially for those who are "Ex-Members")

Work of God

World Tomorrow

Wrath of God

Yahveh, the name of God?

"You Are Gods . . .", The Doctrine of Perfection


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