Mailing List
I Juni 1999; tebal 221, Penerbit: Media Pressindo, Yogyakarta
(Cetakan II, 2000)
Novel perdana Ngarto Februana ini bercerita tentang
nasib seorang bocah yang lahir dan tumbuh di kampung pelacuran. Karena tak
betah, si bocah minggat. Setelah dewasa ia kembali, dan memulai pertarungan demi
pertarungan. Ia bertarung
dengan "kelelakiannya": jatuh cinta pada seorang pelacur. Bertarung entah atas
nama dendam masa lalu atau memprotes kesewenang-wenangan. Dan bertarung dengan makhluk
raksasa dalam mimpinya. Bertarung dengan dirinya sendiri hingga pada suatu ketika ia harus
melupakan segalanya....
Bakdi Soemanto; Cetakan I Juli 2000; tebal 206 halaman, harga Rp 18.000; Penerbit Media Pressindo,
Novel berlatar budaya suku Dayak, di Pegunungan
Kalimantan Selatan. Dengan membaca novel ini, kita banyak belajar tentang suku yang
sebelumnya tidak pernah kita kenal. Lengkap dengan pelukisan upacara ritual. Juga tentang
horor pemenggalan kepala. Ada pula pertarungan kepentingan antara pengusaha HPH dengan
suku yang senantiasa terasing itu. Lalu bagaimana nasib Utay, putra kepala
suku, yang
mengkhianati tanah leluhurnya demi ambisi pribadi?
Cetakan I September 2002; Cetakan
II April 2003. Penerbit Media Pressindo, Yogyakarta 174 halaman.
Tapol merupakan novel
yang didasari oleh fakta sejarah. Dan ini diolah oleh penulisnya dengan sangat
baik. Dari situ kita dapat membaca sketsa tragedi manusia yang terjadi dalam
lingkaran peristiwa sejarah manusia Indonesia yang tragis, yaitu G30S/PKI, 1965.
(Komentar Dr. Anhar
January, 15th, 1993
Dear Norchi,
The dark sky is full of stars and the wind coming from the
Merapi Mountain , when I write this letter for you. The weather is very cold, I feel, and
lights had been turned on in the streets an inside people's home. I imagine your face
while I write word by word on white paper. I always remember to good opinion of yours what
you said many month ago, especially when we have followed student media workshop. I also
remember to your explain on LFS, when we had shared on student movement. Furthermore, I
must learn you regarding build masses basic of organization. I confess that the student
movement in Indonesia post-NKK/BKK (government policy on the student organization) is very
young. After student movement in 1978 was destroyed by Indonesia army, subsequent student
movement was stagnant. And since 1988 we arise again to build progressive student movement
although the Indonesian government more and more repressive over activity of student
politic. The light of moon fall on the earth and the wind breach over the window.
Meanwhile, in the street the sate seller is calling out. His hoarse voice is almost
drowned out in all the other noises. And the sound of music from the radio in the my room
is going on. I am smoking and start again to write this letter. Norchi, good friend of
mine, once again I say that we must learn from student movement and organization in your
country. At every an opportunity, we can share about them such as when you had visited to
Indonesia, and now Amante has been in Indonesia so that we can learn about hoe we build
and maintain progressive student organization. Norchi sweetheart, recently we make
intensively consolidation of SMY with one of the programs build basic of masses in the
other campus. Apart from that we have formed the excellent collective to prepare SMY
congress in February 1993. And I became chair person of the excellent collective of
We also published student press and the other publication, including
Bunderan, Dian Budaya, and Refleksi. The silence night is more and more silence. A silence which
suppressed feelings. I turn down the radio. And in the street the sate seller calling out
again. I took a breath for little while and then I start again to write this letter on any
other subject matters. Norchi, when you stayed in Indonesia a couple week ago, and at
first I started you, my heart was throb. Frankly, I salute you. You to me are fascinating
women. Very very fascinating women I think. You are very smart. Furthermore, you and me
have the same ideology and line politic, although our country are different. Since first
time we met, I had been attracted you and always remember you. I don't forget you and
never forget you for good. And now I must confess that I am falling in love to you.
Frankly, I love you. I really love you. Norchi, far distant between Indonesia and
Philippines is no problem I think, because love is every for me. I hope you will accept
honest loving of mine. Every nights I imagine your smiling, your beautiful face. And I am
more and more longing you. My longing as the longing of river to the sea. My longing to
you as the longing of barren land to the rain season. Norchi, I think enough for now this
my letter and I hope you will answer it by return. My sweetest regards.
Love and solidarity
Ngarto Februana