P.A.L.S. Meeting
Present: Denise, Jan, Heidi, Marion (guest) and Mariana
It was a cool but pleasant evening in Heidis backyard. There were many lovely changes to behold as well as blooming flowers. The scent of chocolate was in the air life is good. We had to remind Heidi several times that we were getting thirsty before we finally got started. Denise and I especially were facing an early dismissal due to our demanding nature.
Heidis beers were of all varieties IPA, ale, stout, and lager. All were enjoyed in one way or another. Our first beer, the IPA, gave us much to discuss in bringing Marion (Heidi and Jans mom) up to speed in how to taste and rate the beers. The complex nature of the beer provided bitter, malt and left a beautiful lace on the glass which was reminiscent of a lovely old nightgown. Marion got right into the rating and gave it a "5" which we reassured her she could change later if something suited her better. She did go on to rate all the beers and when told we were done expressed disappointment as she was beginning to "get into it and liked it!" We all had a wonderful time and it was so enjoyable to hear stories of times gone by good times. I had a certain sense of reassurance, as Im sure all did, that growing old is a given but it doesnt have to be a drag; that to live is to be with those you love and care about its those memories that are made and joys and sorrows shared that cement relationships and make life sweet and satisfying. The words of those more mature than us, when listened to and respected, are what help make us wise help us to understand help us to appreciate. Anyways, its peper, I mean people, like all of you that give me strength. You also make me laugh, and as we all know, that is very healthy for anybody!!
After the tasting and rating, we retired to the bonfire. We laughed and talked some more as we gazed at the flames and basked in the warmth and glow. The fire enticed us into a trance-like state and its calming effect made it difficult to leave. In fact, while we thought wed be leaving early, we stayed quite late me later than the rest. It was just so comfortable and relaxing.
We did discuss the next few months. Denise proposed we attend a beer tasting at the Polish Center. Not sure who is running it but she heard it is supposed to be good. It is being held July 16th, Friday. Denise will let us know more details the week of. Heidi also reported that Rhonda will be in town from 8/25 to 9/6 and we decided it would be nice to have our next meeting while she is here. It will likely be at my house, not sure about the date possibly Friday, 8/27 well be in touch to firm it up. If you have dates you are NOT available, please let me know.
Respectfully submitted,
Mariana |