Other stuff!

Friends Fan Fic

CitizenNancy Fic

Xfiles/Friends Crossover Fic - Only read if you are into both X-files and Friends

Neighbor - Story one of a series

Songstress - Story two of a series

Baby Boom - Story three of a series

Hidden Agenda - Story four of a series

Double Trouble - Story five of a series

The Specimen - Story six of a series

Songstress 2: The remainder - Story seven of a series

The Book - Story eight of a series

Phoebes New Boyfriend - Story Nine of a series

Theres Something About Emily - Story Ten of a series

The Return Of The Neighbor - Story Eleven of a series

Caroline in the City/ Friends Fic
Caroline and the Friendly Date

Frasier/Friends Fic
The one about the psychiatrist and the friendly people.

Mystery Science Theater 3000/Friends Crossovers
I took a few episodes of Friends and mstied them, like in the show. Its helpful to see the show first the see the fic. Note to season msties, I like Mike and Dr Forestor rather than Mrs Forestor. After all, its is the writers option!

The One With The SuperBowl P1

The One With The SuperBowl P2

The One With The SuperBowl P3

The One With The SuperBowl P4

The One Where Ross Finds Out

The One With The List

The One With The Prom Video

The One Where Ross and Rachel...You Know

The One With The Princess Leia Fantasy

The One With The Jam

The One With The Football

The One With The Morning After

The One With The Jellyfish

The One With The Fake Monica

Chicago Hope/Friends Crossover
Monica meets a surgeon (well he was) from a well known hospital in Chicago on a cruise around Manhatten.

The Cruise or The One With The Cruise

Part Two

Part Three

Part Four

Part Five

The sequel to "The Cruise" - Aaron tries to spend an evening with Monica but darn it, things keep getting in the way of True love.
Aaron in New York Or The One With Aaron in NY

Part Two

Part Three

Part Four

Now Monica is going to back with Aaron to Chicago, but will she be there to stay? Or will Aaron go with her to New York?
Monica in Chicago or The One With Monica in Chicago

Part Two

Part Three

Part Four

Regular Fan Fic
The one with three versions

The one with Chandlers new job

Warning: potential season 9 spoilers

I used to run a friends fan fic list, but its been dead for sometime (so don't write me asking to join, technically there is nothing to join) but here are the archives of my three year effort. Enjoy

Friends Fan Fic Archive
Other peoples fan fic

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