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In this web page, I hope to present to you strategies, combos, and obscure uses for a new Magic: The Gathering card every single day.

The Card of the Day is...

Adun Oakenshield

Legends Rare
GRB Summon Legend

"GRB, T: Select one target creature from your graveyard and place it in your hand."

I wish each new set of Magic cards had tons of strange gold summon legends---just like Legends. I thought they added much flavor by introducing more side characters to any ongoing stories. I do love the tales of Sarpadia and Gerrard+the gang, yet Legends added many odd people to the mix that almost all have something bizarre about them. Adun Oakenshield has one of the most odd abilities at that. Nobody would ever pay GRB for a measly 1/2 creature, yet that reusable Regrowth-for-creatures thing is rather handy. Let's see now...what creatures would I like to be able to recast easily? Hmmmmm: